سواری اُٹھائیں اور ڈاکٹر کے ساتھ مفت مشورہ حاصل کریں۔
inDrive سے سواری اُٹھائیں
اور مستند ڈاکٹروں سے مفت وڈیو کال پہ مشورہ حاصل کریں۔
آفر استمال کرنے کے لیے 3 آسان اقدامات
oladoc ایپ ڈاؤن لوڈ اورانسٹال کریں۔
اسی نمبر کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے سائن اپ کریں جو آپ اپنی inDrive ایپ کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
ڈاکٹر سے مفت مشورے اور صحت کی دیکھ بھال پر خصوصی رعایت حاصل کریں۔
Q: How long is the offer valid offer ?
A: This subscription is valid for 30 days after activation. Once this period is over, users will be required to avail oladoc services at standard charges.
Q: What will I get from this offer?
A: You will get immediate access to unlimited free video consultations & amazing discounts on in-person doctor's appointments, lab tests & medicine delivery. Offer includes:
Free online doctor consultations
Upto 20% discount on in-clinic appointment
Upto 30% discounts on lab tests
Upto 10% discounts on medicine delivery
Upto 25% discounts on surgeries and procedures
Terms & Conditions
The Free Subscription shall last for 30 days only. Once this period is over, users will be required to avail oladoc services at standard charges.
One number can be only registered once & validity is 30 days to redeemthe benefit after user’s entitlement.
The subscription will be activated on 1 number only and it is non-transferable to any other number after activation.
The subscription benefit is not cashable neither transferable.
Standard charges of the services will be applicable other than free and discounted offerings.
oladoc and InDrive reserves the right to discontinue this offer on their sole discretion at any time.
oladoc reserves the right to terminate or restrict your account or your use of the oladoc Services without any notice or incurring any liability, if oladoc determines in its sole discretion that you have breached the Terms of Use, violated any law, rule, or regulation, or engaged in other inappropriate conduct in relation to our services.
oladoc reserves the right to change the features of the free subscription offer at any time.