To stay fit and carry out daily life activities effectively you need healthy and strong joints. By adapting some useful…
The word ‘Psychiatry’ is derived from the Medieval Latin word psychiatra or ‘healing of the soul’. While both psychiatry and…
There are two kinds of food doctors, dieticians and nutritionists, and while many people think they play very similar roles,…
The tonsils are fleshy masses of tissues similar to lymph nodes that line the throat, nose and mouth, and are…
It goes without saying that people who are prone to diabetes due to genetics or lifestyle choices, and those already…
Endocrinology is the complex medical study of the endocrine system and its diseases, including the eight hormone secreting glands and…
Pediatricians have been around since early times. However, it was not until the mid-19th century that pediatrics was recognized and…
The Greek root word ‘nephros’ in nephrology means kidneys, and the full word means the study of kidneys. This includes…
Ortho is a Greek root word that means ‘straight;’’ Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that deals with the care…
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 108 million known cases of diabetes in 1980-more than 3 decades later, that number…