Brain Power! 7 Tips To Prevent Dementia

Typically considered an old age disease like osteoporosis, dementia is a neurodegenerative condition characterized by near-crippling problems with memory, thinking,…

Updated On June 21, 2021

An Introduction To Diabetic Coma

Diabetes poses a host of complications, one of them being Diabetic Coma. Induced as a result of extremely high (hyperglycemia)…

Updated On April 23, 2021

Common Causes Of Ear Pain

Most people, children and adults alike, describe an earache as a sharp, or burning pain in one or both ears.…

Updated On June 23, 2021

Walk Smart: Tips For Stinky Feet

Nothing lowers self-esteem like bad foot odour in public. While stinky feet aren’t your fault, they’re caused either by the…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Visiting A Relative Or Friend In Hospital? 5 Basic Ethics To Keep In Mind.

Visiting someone in the hospital, whether it is a close relative, friend or a colleague can be a daunting task.…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Up In Fumes: 7 Tips To Quit Smoking

It is generally thought that smoking is a lesser evil and only causes major medical problems if it is done…

Updated On June 21, 2021