Pediatric Dentists: How Can They Help Your Child?

Oral hygiene is commonly ignored by most people, particularly parents who do not deem a dental visit for their children…

Updated On July 6, 2021

Know Your ‘O’s: The Different Types Of Eye Specialists

In Pakistan, the term ‘Eye Specialist’ is an all-encompassing term used generously to describe doctors that specialize in matters of…

Updated On July 5, 2021

Keeping Anxiety At Bay: 7 Tips On How To Manage It

According to the American Psychological Association, “ Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Itchy Scalp? What It Might Mean For You?

It is a universally acknowledged truth that a luscious head of hair is rooted in a healthy scalp. Your scalp…

Updated On June 21, 2021

How To Make Sure Your Newborn Is Healthy?

Children look so little and delicate that guardians are frequently anxious for signs that their baby is sound and growing…

Updated On June 21, 2021

How To Deal With Dry Skin In Winters?

‘Tis the season to be jolly." Indeed, it is. Though your skin might say otherwise. Dry, scaly and cracked skin is…

Updated On June 21, 2021