Regaining Sound: An Introduction To Voice Therapy

Whether it be vocal cord paralysis that severely affects one’s quality of voice and sound, the development of nodules, polyps…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Mind Games: Some Rare And Bizarre Mental Disorders

Mass media portrayal of mental health is vastly negative, yet, ironically, it has also served as a means of awareness…

Updated On June 8, 2021

Lifting The Veil: Eliminating The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

Mental health was once considered taboo, with sufferers referred to as ‘lunatics’ and ‘madmen’ who could never be a productive…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Antidepressants: Medicines For Despair

First developed in the 1950s, antidepressants are the painkillers of mental illness; they provide instant relief from depressive and anxiety-inducing…

Updated On December 28, 2021

Vitamin D Deficiency In Pakistan

Pakistan lies near the equator, meaning that it receives more average daily sunlight than its European counterparts. Yet, despite this…

Updated On June 22, 2021

Mental Health: An Introduction To Well-known Mental Disorders

Like all other parts of the body, the brain is also susceptible to various illnesses that negatively affect an individual’s…

Updated On June 17, 2021