Don’t Go Green: Natural Solutions To Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus, is generally not taken seriously by people and they usually just consider as an asthetic problem and not…

Updated On June 28, 2021

Get The Perfect Smile: 3 Ways To Straighten Your Teeth

Smile is reflected as a gesture of kindness and is generally considered as a good deed that a person does…

Updated On June 8, 2021

The Eyes Behind The Mask: Overcoming Dentophobia

Everyone is a little afraid of sitting in the dentist chair since the dental procedures involve sharp tools. The downside…

Updated On August 10, 2021

Flash Those Pearly Whites: Foods For Whiter Teeth

Who doesn't want bright and shiny teeth? They can make or break a person's smile and can even influence a…

Updated On June 16, 2021

Tonsillitis Explained: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Whenever winter arrives, the infections of upper and the lower respiratory system become very common. Old people and the children…

Updated On October 5, 2023

Keeping Gum Disease Away: Your Guide To Healthy Gums

Since childhood, people are told how brushing your teeth twice a day is the key to perfect oral health. The…

Updated On April 2, 2024