Diabetes: Introduction to the Biggest Epidemic in Pakistan

The causative agents for the non-communicable disease diabetes are so vast that it is not possible to pack them in…

Updated On November 29, 2021

Tips For Calming A Crying Baby

Calming a crying baby is not an easy task and every baby is different in the way that every baby…

Updated On December 19, 2022

How To Preserve That Beautiful Smile?

Who doesn't want a beautiful smile? It not only adds to one's charisma but is also a sign of health…

Updated On June 16, 2021

Oncology 101: What You Need To Know About Oncologists

With the prefix ‘Onco-’ meaning a ‘bulk, mass or tumor’, the word ‘oncology’ refers to the branch of medicine dealing…

Updated On June 16, 2021

Should You Have Your Tonsils Removed?

Frequent in children and rare in adults, tonsil infections are often no more than a bad case of sore throat,…

Updated On June 16, 2021

Matters Of The Heart: Angioplasty And When Is It Needed

Angioplasty is a surgical procedure used to unblock or widen clogged blood vessels (arteries). While it can be performed in…

Updated On June 16, 2021