General Surgery

Proctological Diseases And Treatment: Q And A With Dr. M.tayab

Proctological diseases are mainly concerned with lower digestive tract diseases, to counter these conditions corrective colorectal surgeries are performed to repair the colon, rectum or the anus. Surgical forms of treatments for these conditions include; colectomy, ileo/colostomy, polypectomy, strictureplasty, hemorrhoidectomy (in severe cases of hemorrhoids), anoplasty, and more depending on the condition and symptoms of each patient. 

Piles, hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas are problems that if left untreated can cause major complications later on.  If so, watch Dr. Muhammad Tayyab (Best Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon in Lahore) share his expert knowledge about all these problems.

Q.1: What is proctology?

Proctology is concerned with diseases of colon, rectum or the anus. The most frequently diagnosed condition is anal fissure, leading to pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Moreover, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases are frequently diagnosed proctological diseases in Pakistan.

These diseases greatly hamper patients’ day to day activities and can greatly affect their quality of life. The most important factor in the case of proctological diseases is an early diagnosis. 

Q.2: What are hemorrhoids and how to treat them? 

Hemorrhoids are more commonly known as piles, this causes veins in the rectum and anus to swell. When the walls of these veins are stretched during bowel movements, they become irritated and cause extreme pain.

Small hemorrhoids may clear up without medical attention but large external hemorrhoids are treated with surgical and non-surgical methods such as injections and medications. 

Q.3: What are anal fissures?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions; it is basically a tear in the tissue that lines the anus. Anal fissures are very common in children but can occur in results as well, it is characterized by pain and even bleeding in severe cases when one passes stool. Anal fissures can be prevented by adopting a fiber rich diet and incorporating more water in your diet. 

Q.4: What is anal fistula?

Anal fistula occurs when an infection tunnel forms between the skin and muscular opening at the opening of the anus. These are triggered by infections in the anal glands, earlier symptoms of anal fistula includes foul smell from the vagina, recurrent vaginal or urinary tract infection, irritation or pain in the vulva etcetera.

Tests, CT scan and an MRI can also be done to detect an anal fistula; in most cases, surgery is performed to eliminate the issue. 

Q.5: What is rectal prolapse?

 Rectal prolapse is a relatively rare condition; it happens when the rectum protrudes from the anus, the rectum turns itself out. It can be characterized by pain during bowel movements, mucus or bloody discharge from the protruding tissue, inability to control bowel movements and a loss of an urge to defecate.

There are different types of this condition which can be detected through the symptoms. This condition can be triggered by back to back child deliveries, chronic diarrhoea, and other neurological diseases. 

If you want to learn more about proctological diseases and treatment, then watch the full interview. 

You can also book an appointment with a top laparoscopic surgeon through Moreover, you can also call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 for assistance to find the RIGHT doctor.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

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