Laser Hair Removal Vs. Electrolysis: An Ongoing Dilemma

Regular shaving, waxing and tweezing for unwanted body hair removal can become tiring, which is why most people are now…

Updated On December 28, 2021

Glaucoma-the Sight Stealer

‘Glaucoma’ refers to a group of ocular diseases in which fluid buildup in the front part of the eye leads…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Flushed Out: The Importance Of Dental Cleanings

Most people might consider it a waste of time and money; after all, who needs to wait at a dentist’s…

Updated On June 21, 2021

Down The Rabbit Hole: The Many Dangers Of Self-diagnosis

People turn to Google for a medical diagnosis for one of three reasons: lack of time for a formal appointment,…

Updated On April 23, 2021

Don’t Slouch! The Importance Of Good Posture

Posture refers to bodily position, including sitting, standing or lying down, with respect to gravity. While good posture ensures an…

Updated On June 29, 2021

Breathe In, Breathe Out: Home Remedies To Manage Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that causes breathing difficulties through attacks or spasms in the lungs. While medication is…

Updated On June 21, 2021