Beauty and Skin Care

Glycolic Acid Cream in Pakistan: Price, Uses, Benefits

Glycolic acid cream is readily available in Pakistan under different brand names. The cream provides several benefits like exfoliation, hydration, anti-aging, and acne treatment.

Here’s all you need to know about glycolic acid cream in Pakistan!

What is glycolic acid cream?

  • Glycolic acid cream is a topical formulation of glycolic acid.
  • Glycolic acid belongs to the alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) family. Alpha hydroxy acids are naturally occurring acids found in certain foods such as sugarcane, milk, and fruits.
  • Glycolic acid cream is known to exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells.
  • It imparts moisture and hydration making the skin glow naturally.
  • The cream is also used for achieving a brighter skin tone and for hyperpigmentation.
  • Popular brands of glycolic acid cream in Pakistan include: Sanclear Cream, Bio-One, Glyco-Aid, and Glee Skin.

Consult an Islamabad dermatologist for all your skin-related concerns with oladoc.

What are the uses of glycolic acid cream?

Following are the uses of glycolic acid cream:

1. It helps treat acne

Glycolic acid cream helps treat acne in people of ages 12 years and above. It also aids in reducing blackheads and pimples.

2. It provides anti-aging benefits

This cream can help control certain symptoms that indicate aging, like sun damage and pigmentation. For this reason, people often use glycolic acid to achieve youthful skin and reduce dark spots and wrinkles.

3. It exfoliates the skin

Glycolic acid works as a peeling agent and exfoliates the skin by removing the outermost layer of skin. This way it helps get rid of dead skin cells resulting in radiant and glowing skin.

4. It helps with pigmentation disorders

Glycolic acid helps treat epidermal melasma (dark patches on the face) when applied with other treatment creams or lotion. However, this cream may not cure melasma which happens to be in deeper layers of the skin.

5. It imparts hydration and moisture

Skin dryness is a common concern of many individuals. The use of glycolic acid creams can counteract dry skin by enhancing moisture retention so your skin stays lively and moisturized.

Read more: Tretinoin Cream Price in Pakistan

How does glycolic acid cream work?

Glycolic acid can easily penetrate in skin due to its small molecular size.. When it’s absorbed in the skin, it exfoliates the dead skin cells and oil by dissolving in the skin. By removing the old dead skin, glycolic acid allows new skin cells to take place in the epidermis, the outer layer of skin.

Applying glycolic acid to your skin also increases the formation of collagen. This protein gives the skin a tight, elastic texture and helps plump it up. Glycolic acid can therefore assist in enhancing the skin and boost collagen levels leading to improved skin health.

What are the side effects of glycolic acid cream?

Following are the side effects of glycolic acid cream:

  • Skin Itching, redness, and irritation: Skin itching is one of the most common side effects of glycolic acid. It accompanies redness and irritation. It can happen because glycolic acid absorbs in the skin layer that can cause sensitive skin to react. Mild burning or a tingling sensation may also be experienced.
  • Dry skin: Glycolic acid removes the dead skin cells that can lead your skin to peel and leave a dry texture. This can occur if glycolic acid is used in higher concentration or alone without a moisturizing cream.
  • Sun sensitivity: Glycolic acid peels the upper layers that lead to the thinning of skin. As a result skin becomes prone to sun damage and UV rays. Glycolic acid creams can also increase the risk of sunburn.
  • Allergic reactions: In rare cases, using glycolic acid may lead to an allergic reaction.

The experts at Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi recommend using a good quality sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher when using glycolic acid creams to prevent sun damage.

Glycolic acid cream price in Pakistan

The price of glycolic acid cream in Pakistan ranges from PKR 700 – 1500. This is the average glycolic acid cream price in Pakistan. This number can be higher or lower based on your chosen brand and the pharmacy you purchase the cream from.

Also view: Eventone C Cream Price in Pakistan

How to use glycolic acid cream

  • Start with the product having lower concentration of glycolic acid to prevent skin irritation.
  • You can change the concentration and frequency once skin builds tolerance.
  • You can combine glycolic acid with other skincare products like hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to achieve hydrated skin and a brighter skin tone.
  • Using retinol with glycolic acid should be avoided as it can lead to irritation.

What concentration of glycolic acid is safe to use?

  • Glycolic acid in mild to moderate concentrations (1 to 10%) is generally considered safe to use.
  • Higher contractions of glycolic acid (above 10%) should only be used under dermatologist supervision as they can cause inflammation and irritation at the application site.


Here are some precautions that should be considered before applying glycolic acid:

  • Do not use it in daylight as it is prone to sunburn and skin irritation.
  • Do not use glycolic acid if you have skin conditions like eczema or rosacea without consulting a dermatologist.
  • Use glycolic acid with good moisturizing cream to prevent redness and itching.
  • Always consult a doctor before using glycolic acid, in case you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How to buy glycolic acid cream in Pakistan

To buy glycolic acid cream in Pakistan visit your nearest pharmacy. You can also buy glycolic acid creams online in Pakistan. Be sure to check the product reviews if you are buying skincare products online.

Storage of glycolic acid creams

  • Store glycolic acid at room temperature, in a cool and dry place.
  • Avoid keeping it in sunlight and even in the refrigerator as temperature fluctuation can affect the effectiveness of the cream.
  • Keep it away from the reach and sight of children and pets.

Book an online consultation with a top reviewed dermatologist in Karachi for any queries or concerns regarding the use of glycolic acid cream.


Glycolic acid is a popular ingredient in skin care products which chemically exfoliates the skin. It is used to treat acne, pigmentation, skin-brightening, and anti-aging effects. It makes your skin smoother and more radiant with regular use.

When using glycolic acid you should be mindful of its possible negative effects, though. Breakouts, dryness, and sun sensitivity are frequently reported issues associated with glycolic acid use.

It is recommended to follow preventative measures like using a sunscreen (SPF 30+) when using glycolic acid, avoid excessive use, and refrain from using higher concentrations of above 10% unless specified by your doctor.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What is glycolic acid cream used for?

Glycolic acid cream is used to treat acne and dry skin by exfoliating the upper layer of the skin.

2. Can I use glycolic acid daily?

If you are using glycolic acid in products like face wash that you can rinse off then it is admissible to use it daily. However if you are leaving it overnight then it should be used twice or three times a week.

3. Is glycolic acid cream suitable for skin whitening?

Yes. Glycolic acid helps exfoliate dead skin and excessive oil from the outer layer. As a result your skin can be brightened up to one or two shades. If you are specifically looking for a skin whitening cream in Pakistan, you can look at other brands specifically formulated for skin brightening.

4. Who should use glycolic acid cream?

You should use glycolic acid cream if you have dull, uneven, aging, oily, or acne-prone skin. Just make sure to use it as recommended by your doctor for optimal results.

5. Who should avoid using glycolic acid cream?

You should avoid using glycolic acid cream if you have a history of severe allergic reactions, have open wounds or inflamed skin, are prone to eczema or psoriasis, or have highly sensitive skin.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

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