Family planning can be a touchy topic in Pakistan as it is considered a taboo topic in Pakistan, especially in rural areas. As of 2024, Pakistan’s population growth rate is around 1.93% and the population of Pakistan is estimated to be approximately 403 million by 2050, according to UNFPA Pakistan. This staggering number puts an excessive strain on the resources and infrastructure of Pakistan, which is why it has become a national health issue instead of a personal one. It emphasizes the need for crucial and effective family planning services in Pakistan.

Why is family planning important?

Family planning is the method to control the number and timing of childbirths in your family by the use of contraceptive methods. There are many contraceptive methods readily available in the market, however, not all women have access to it in Pakistan. Additionally, due to cultural and religious reasons, family planning is not given importance. However, it is important to consider the high population growth in Pakistan. Some of the reasons that family planning is important are as follows:

1. Mother and baby’s health

Family planning can help improve the health of the mother and baby. Spacing out births can improve health by giving mothers time to recover after giving birth. It also prevents maternal mortality and other health issues like preterm and stillbirth. Additionally, family planning allows focusing on healthy babies. It allows families to allocate resources to give a better life to fewer children instead of having more children with fewer resources. The increasing use of contraceptives also reduces the chances of an unwanted pregnancy, and in turn, reduces the risk of unsafe abortions.

2. Economic strain

When you have a lot of children but not enough resources, it can be problematic for the children as well as the economy. Almost 12.5 million people are under the poverty line in Pakistan, which means that the more children a family has, the fewer resources are available for each child. It can cause issues like malnutrition, inadequate education, and limited access to healthcare, perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Having fewer children can also bring economic stability as the parents are able to afford quality education for their children. It also allows families to improve their quality of life by being able to save.

3. STDs and STIs

Sexually transmitted diseases or infections can occur when a person has sex with multiple partners. They can spread from person to person. Using condoms, a usual form of contraception can significantly reduce the risk of STDs and STIs, such as AIDS, in individuals.

4. Unplanned pregnancies

Family planning and the use of birth control are essential to lower the rate of unplanned pregnancy. It prevents women from getting proper prenatal care before pregnancy. An unplanned pregnancy can also be stressful, especially if you already have children or have fewer resources. With the rising inflation in Pakistan, it is becoming difficult and expensive to raise a child, which increases the risk of unsafe abortions.

5. Women Empowerment

Pakistani population consists of 48.5% yet only about 25% of women are working women. By planning a family, women can pursue their education and career goals and actively participate in improving the economy.

Contraceptive Methods for Family Planning

There are many birth control methods in Pakistan, but not everyone is aware of them due to a lack of education and cultural barriers. Although the urban population has access to and knowledge of contraceptives, the contraceptive prevalence rate is pretty low in the rural population.

1. Condoms:

Condoms are available for sale in most Pakistani pharmacies and supermarkets. They are a risk-free and easy way to prevent conception. The most common are male condoms that can be easily worn before having sex to reduce the chances of conception. Female condoms can also prevent pregnancy by blocking the sperm from leaving the egg. It is an effective form of birth control but it does have a failure rate.

2. Birth control pills

Birth control pills are another effective way of preventing a pregnancy. A gynecologist may prescribe a birth control pill or a morning pill to be taken every morning that can lower the chances of conception. Emergency contraceptive pills are also available but they have some side effects that you should know about. It can be dangerous to take emergency contraceptives too much so it is better to consult your doctor for the most suitable birth control method for you.

3. Vaginal Ring

A vaginal ring is a long-term contraceptive method that works by preventing ovulation in women. It involves inserting a flexible ring in the vagina and releases progestin and estrogen in your body. It is almost 90% effective if used properly.

4. Intrauterine device

Intrauterine device, or IUDs, are a long-term and safe method for family planning. In this method, a T-shaped device is inserted into the vagina, which makes it difficult for an egg to fertilize by thickening the cervical mucus. It is a safe and effective method with a low chance of failure.

5. Withdrawal method

A common birth control method in Pakistan, the withdrawal or ‘pull-out’ method aims to prevent pregnancy by preventing the semen from entering the vagina. It is quite simple as it involves taking out your penis before ejaculating. Though it is a popular method, there is not much research to support its effectiveness.

6. Vasectomy

A permanent way to prevent pregnancy is a vasectomy. It works by blocking the tubes that pass sperm in men. You should opt for a vasectomy if you are sure about not having children in the future because even though they are sometimes reversible, they can lower your fertility.

7. Tubal litigation or implant

Another permanent form of birth control, tubal litigation is a type of female sterilization. In this method, the surgeon cuts, blocks, or burns the fallopian tube to eliminate any future chances of conception. On the other hand, implants are a coil placed in the female’s fallopian tubes to block out the chances of pregnancy.

Other birth control methods include contraceptive patches, birth control implants, sponges, and patches. While these methods are effective, they are used less frequently due to a lack of access and education.

Challenges to family planning in Pakistan

It is becoming necessary to introduce family planning initiatives in Pakistan due to the increasingly growing population, however, there are many challenges for family planning initiatives in Pakistan. Cultural and religious influences are a key factor that hinders the acceptability of family planning services in Pakistan. Additionally, there is less awareness about the importance of family planning and the available birth control methods.

Women in Pakistan also do not have a lot of autonomy in their household, which further escalates the issue. Their role is often dependent on gender norms and societal expectations. As more people go under the poverty line, buying contraceptives is also becoming expensive for people. Furthermore, the lack of access to contraceptives and knowledge about using them is scarce, especially in the rural side of Pakistan.

Bolo Health: A Family Planning & Reproductive Health Initiative

oladoc has recently welcomed Bolo Health, an initiative to improve family planning and reproductive health in Pakistan. Bolo Health is an online platform that allows users to book consultations with Family Planning and Reproductive Health Specialists, access verified content from top doctors in Pakistan, and order contraceptives online with confidentiality. It is designed specifically for the youth as almost 64% of Pakistan’s population is under the age of 30. This initiative aims to educate the youth on family planning practices and encourage them to talk to verified doctors and choose the best birth control methods.


Family planning in Pakistan is no longer a personal choice. It is a critical national issue that intersects with the country’s health, economic, and social systems. As Pakistan’s population is expected to reach approximately 403 million by 2050, the need for effective family planning becomes increasingly urgent. By allowing individuals and families to control the number and timing of childbirths, family planning plays a crucial role in improving the health of mothers and babies.

Proper spacing of pregnancies helps mothers recover between births and reduces the risk of maternal and infant mortality. Effective family planning can also contribute to economic stability by enabling families to allocate resources more efficiently, thereby lowering poverty and enhancing the quality of life. Family planning also plays a vital role in preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies. A lower rate of unplanned pregnancies through accessible contraceptive methods can help you avoid potential health risks associated with unintended pregnancies, particularly in an economic climate where raising children is becoming increasingly expensive. Empowering women is another vital aspect of family planning.

Despite the clear benefits, family planning in Pakistan faces many obstacles. Cultural and religious resistance, limited awareness and education, economic constraints, and insufficient access to contraceptives—especially in rural areas— pose challenges to the acceptance and adoption of family planning initiatives in Pakistan.

In light of these challenges, initiatives like Bolo Health are essential. Introduced by oladoc, Bolo Health aims to bridge the gap in family planning and reproductive health services in Pakistan. By providing an online platform for consultations with relevant specialists, access to verified information, and confidential contraceptive delivery. Bolo Health is primarily for the youth as the Pakistani population has a high percentage of youth. It also improves the access of birth control in Pakistan.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

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