Mental Health

How To Deal With Stress At Work

Working is the need of the hour for everyone. As Pakistan is facing record-high inflation, it has become harder to stay afloat unless you have family wealth. Many people work day and night to earn a comfortable living for their families and themselves.

Even in first-world countries, everyone has to work to make ends meet and afford other luxuries, so staying away from the workplace or the stress related to it is almost impossible.

Work stress can be hard to identify, especially when multiple things are going on in your life therapy from a good Psychologist in Karachi can be helpful.

Causes of work-related stress

Following are some of the triggers of workplace stress:

1. Job Instability

The constant fear of losing one’s job can be nerve-wracking. Some causes of job instability include policy changes, downsizing, deterring the economy, or political instability.

A recent example is Airlift Pakistan which shut down its operations, leaving many jobless.

2. Intense workload

Workload varies between different workplaces and occupations. Some occupations demand a higher workload, such as doctors. Similarly, some workplaces may be short of resources.

Unrealistic deadlines may lead you to work for longer hours which can trigger stress.

3. Workplace conflict

Most people spend between seven to nine hours a day working. A healthy working environment and peaceful relationships with colleagues are necessary to keep positive energy around the office.

The absence of support between colleagues or disputes with managers can lead to unwanted tension and make you feel stressed.

4. Work-life balance

If you are a workaholic, you may excel at work, but working too much can cause a disturbance in your work-life balance. Working long hours without eating or sleeping can affect your mental and physical health.

Moreover, the lack of work-life balance can cause problems in your personal relationships and lessen your social life, causing stress.

5. Growth opportunities

Jobs can become stagnant over time if there is no promotion or growth in the future, leading to a lack of excitement. It is a reason many people switch their jobs too. Lack of growth opportunities can lead to frustration and reduce your work quality.

6. Cultural differences

Companies have some core values which establish the culture of a company. When there is a clash between your personal values and the company’s cultural values, it can create friction and be a stressor.

7. Unrealistic demands

Some managers may create deadlines or increase workloads that may seem almost impossible to achieve. These can cause stress because you have little time and a lot of work that you may not be able to complete in time.

Don’t let workplace stress get the better of you. Consult a psychologist through oladoc today to manage your stress effectively.

Signs of workplace stress

No matter how badly you want to hide it, your stress may indicate that you are having a tough time at work. Identifying these symptoms is necessary to come to terms with them.

Once you acknowledge that you may be facing job burnout, a Psychologist in Karachi can guide you on ways to de-stress yourself. Signs that you may be feeling too much stress at work are:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Deteriorating performance at work
  • Lack of interest in work-related tasks
  • Increase in leaves
  • Irritability

A stressful work routine may also lead to physical and psychological symptoms, which include:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle Tension
  • Gastric issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Tiredness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Low concentration

Workplace stress, along with constant pressure in personal life, has many adverse effects on your body and mind. Working may be a need, but so is your health, and you should try to develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with work-related stress.

How to handle work stress

It is natural to feel stress after a long day at work, but if its frequency has increased, you may need to figure out a way to calm yourself. If not addressed, stress can make your life difficult and lead to a number of issues. Some ways you can handle stress at work are:

1. Organize yourself

Take some time and work on your organizational skills. If the cause of your stress is too much work, you should make a list of your tasks and prioritize them.

It can help schedule your time and work on important tasks instead of trying to master everything. Do not beat yourself up if you are unable to complete a task. Rest and give it your best the next day. It can help keep your stress levels low and help you manage your workload.

2. Take out time for self-care

It is essential for you to understand that you need to take care of yourself first in order to deliver optimal performance. A life that revolves around work can tire you out quickly and manifest physical symptoms that may further decrease productivity at work.

Take some time off and take a break from your busy schedule to take your mind off the work stress. Work on a hobby, or take a trip to another city or country to relax your mind and break the stress cycle.

3. Maintain work-life balance

The extra hours you may work at a new or demanding job may result in neglecting your personal life and relationships. It can further add stress to your life, which can have devastating effects on you.

Manage your time and avoid long hours at the office. Refrain from taking your work home and keep your personal and professional life separate. Having a good mix of work, sleep, and leisure can lower stress.

4. Interact with colleagues

If you work in a team, you may understand the vitality of communication among team members. You spend a significant time of your day at your workplace, which makes it vital to form friendly and positive relations with your co-workers. It can make you feel more comfortable and lower anxiety, especially if it is a new job.

Socializing can also alleviate stress. Developing cordial workplace relationships can also help boost morale and team performance. However, staying away from office gossip and politics can keep the drama away from you.

5. Stay in touch with loved ones!

Work can tire you out, and talking to someone who cares about you may help. Venting out your emotions can make it easier to recuperate from a hectic work environment. Do not let work affect your personal relationships.

Obsessing over work and ignoring those close to you can push them away and give way to many negative sentiments. Having a cup of coffee with a friend or catching up over dinner with a family member can calm your mind and give you a break from a chaotic work day, week, or month.

6. Try yoga or meditation!

Stress has become a part of everyday routine, so it is vital to form coping mechanisms that can aid in alleviating stress. Yoga, deep breathing exercise, and meditation are some relaxation techniques that let go of any deconstructive thoughts or negative emotions that come to your mind.

It can provide relief from the hectic weekdays. Unwinding after a work day can help you keep up your performance without tiring out.

7. Control your perfectionism

Some people may take a significant amount in perfecting their work, even though they do not need to. If you have done your best on the presentation or work, you do not need to revisit it multiple times.

Go through it once with fresh eyes before submitting your task. If you make a mistake once in a while, forgive yourself and move on. Remember, we are all prone to human errors. Though if you are making too many mistakes at work, it may be time to consider therapy from a professional.

8. Let your manager know!

If you feel that work is overwhelming or stressing you out, talk to your manager and tell them your situation, especially if it is difficult to control. Making your manager aware may make them go easy on you or help you prioritize your tasks.

A manager should know the significance of retaining valuable team members and offering them support when they need it. Talking to your employees and providing them with support assists in keeping employees happy.

9. Pay attention to the symptoms! 

As many things may be happening in your life simultaneously, you may neglect signs of intense stress at your workplace. Write down your symptoms and evaluate if you have any unpleasant thoughts about your workplace.

Note if your symptoms are due to work stress or not, and then try to resolve the root cause of your stress. Detecting the indications on time and resolving them can prevent or control stress at work.

Long-term health effects of stress

Stress is a contributing factor to many fatal diseases, especially if you experience chronic stress. The above ways can help relieve stress, but you should consider therapy if you are under too much stress.

Stress can have disastrous effects on your health in the long run. Constant stress can cause psychological issues, including depression. Extended periods of stress can cause health issues, such as:

  • Heart Problems
  • Low sex drive
  • Poor immunity
  • Hormonal problems
  • Digestive issues, such as diarrhea and constipation
  • Overeating or undereating

If stress is becoming a growing concern, you may want to consider a stress-free lifestyle. You can also join retreats that may help lessen stress levels.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

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