Diet and Nutrition

Ispaghol Benefits: 8 Health Benefits of Psyllium Husk

Ispaghol benefits are numerous and can bring about a fascinating impact on your health. It is also known as “isabgol ka chilka.” We know it as ‘ispaghol’, the magic constipation cure. Called ‘Psyllium’ in the medical tongue, it is a soluble fiber extracted from the seeds of Plantago ovata which grows abundantly in India.

Psyllium is also a common dietary supplement and is available in husk, granule, capsule, and powder form. Here are 8 reasons why nutritionists love psyllium husk/ispaghol for your diet.

What Are the Health Benefits of Ispaghol?

Here is a list of the top 8 best health benefits of ispaghol:

1. Constipation Relief

As a natural bulk-forming laxative, psyllium increases stool size and moisture by first binding to the partially digested food, and then absorbing water as it moves through the gut to the bowels.

This expands the stools and makes them easier to pass. Along with one-time constipation relief, psyllium also promotes stool regularity when included in the daily diet.

2. A Stopper on Diarrhea

The absorptive abilities of psyllium can also help treat diarrhea. In addition to increasing stool size, the extra amount of absorbed water also increases stool thickness, which delays its travel time through the gut. This results in reduced frequency and thicker, harder stools.

The regulatory action of psyllium. i.e. acting as both an anti-constipation and anti-diarrheal treatment make it especially valuable for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), who experience intermittent episodes of constipation and diarrhea.

3. Sugar Control

Water-soluble fibers like psyllium form a gel-like substance when mixed in water or gastric juices, which slows down food digestion. This is particularly useful for people with diabetes, as delayed stomach emptying means the carbohydrates in food break down slowly, resulting in lower blood sugar levels.

However, taking psyllium husk with food, instead of on its own, provides better results by binding directly to the food as it travels down the GI tract.

4. Smaller Waistlines

The delayed stomach-emptying function of ispaghol also means that it induces prolonged fullness, i.e. leaving you feeling fuller for longer. This reduces post-meal appetite, which in turn reduces day-long calorie intake and promotes weight loss.

5. A Healthier Heart

High fiber and low-fat content are essential for good cardiac health and optimum HDL ‘good’ cholesterol levels; which is precisely what psyllium is. It binds to fat and bile acids present in the stomach and small intestine and helps remove them from the body.

The liver then utilizes cholesterol to increase bile levels, which stabilizes overall blood cholesterol. Another way that psyllium reduces cholesterol levels is by forming a thin layer over the intestinal wall which effectively inhibits cholesterol absorption from food.

Moreover, it also encourages sodium removal via stool, which helps provide short-term relief in patients with heart disease, particularly after excess sodium consumption.

6. Digestive Detox

Psyllium not helps clean the digestive tract by aiding in the removal of waste products within and lining the walls of the stomach via stool and urine, but also increases stomach contractions (peristaltic movement).

This makes the digested food easier to move through the intestines, hence increasing bowel mobility and improving digestion.

7. Anal Fissures and Piles Goodbye

As an additional benefit of its bowel and stomach-clearing ability, ispaghol is also an effective remedy for treating piles and anal fissures (small, painful tears in the anal opening). For piles, it does this by softening the stool and making it easier to pass via water absorption from the surrounding parts of the intestine.

This softened stool also keeps the anus from over-stretching, hence keeping any anal fissures from rupturing and allowing them to heal. Although you may still need to go to a professional, such as a stomach specialist in Karachi, for proper treatment.

8. Acidity Neutrality

Further expanding on its gastric benefits, Psyllium husk (ispaghol) is an excellent regular and one-time solution to stomach acidity. As a water-soluble, gel-forming fiber, it provides a protective coating over the stomach lining, which keeps irritation from stomach acids and certain irritating foods (fried, fatty, spice foods, citrus fruits, etc.) at bay.

Moreover, it also reduces the number of acidity episodes in chronic sufferers by regulating the release of stomach acids and digestion.


While psyllium husk or ispaghol is well tolerated by most people and has little to no side-effects, limit your daily consumption to 5-10 grams (1 tablespoon) thrice a day, and take with plenty of water to avoid gas and bloating.

Find out whether psyllium husk is good for resolving your gastric issues by contacting your doctor, or booking an appointment with a top Nutritionist in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore through, or call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 for assistance to find the RIGHT Doctor for your gastric concerns.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

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