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Reviews about Assit. Prof. Dr. Gul Afshan Razi (965)

I recommend the doctor
Very professional expert on her field she had been taking care of my case from the firast day
Verified Patient
A .
I do not recommend the doctor
15 minutes late. Didn't satisfied with the checkup over all.
Verified Patient
S** ***f .
I recommend the doctor
Doctor was very nice and explained everything clearly. Will definitely recommend her.
Verified Patient
M** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
Dr is really really amazing. MAY ALLAH BLESS HER. Highly highly recommended. She made me able to get from the bed wallahi, She is a gem. Allah inko khush rakhy.
Verified Patient
K** ***a .
I recommend the doctor
Recommended- Satisfied
Verified Patient
H** ***h .