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Ms. Tehmina Asghar

Mental Health Matters (Askari11)   Change Clinic Change Clinic

Fee:Rs. 2,000
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Reviews about Ms. Tehmina Asghar (41)

I recommend the doctor
She was great. Felt very comfortable discussing my problems with her.
Verified Patient
Z .
I recommend the doctor
Dr. Tehmina is extremely kind and a great listener. It was incredibly relieving to speak to her, and she gave amazing advice.
Verified Patient
D** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
It was great to talk to her. Helps me much to understand and process things.
Verified Patient
M** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
Tehmina was good to talk to. She gave me multiple insights into my issues and helped me process things better.
Verified Patient
M** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
Great doctor
Verified Patient
M** ***h .
May 19, 12:00 PM
Ms. Tehmina Asghar
Ms. Tehmina Asghar