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Dr. Syed Maheel Aalim

The Doctors Plaza (Clifton)   Change Clinic Change Clinic

Fee:Rs. 1,000
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Reviews about Dr. Syed Maheel Aalim (65)

I recommend the doctor
Was good doctor
Verified Patient
n .
I recommend the doctor
Acha experience rha bht
Verified Patient
S .
I recommend the doctor
It was quite satisfactory and full of ease
Verified Patient
R** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
dr Syed Maheel Aalim Very professional he thoroughly asked about my medical history. and gave me a useful medical adviced
Verified Patient
A** ***i .
I recommend the doctor
He is a great dr of the country.
Verified Patient
S** ***r .
May 17, 06:30 PM
Dr. Syed Maheel Aalim
Dr. Syed Maheel Aalim