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Dr. Hina Gul Hassan

Pakistan Medical Centre (Karachi) (Landhi)   Change Clinic Change Clinic

Fee: Rs. 700
Feb, 18
Feb, 19
Feb, 20
Feb, 21
Feb, 22
Feb, 23
Feb, 24
Feb, 25
Feb, 26
Feb, 27
Feb, 28

95% patients feel satisfied after booking appointment from oladoc

It takes only 30 sec to book an appointment

Reviews about Dr. Hina Gul Hassan (648)

I recommend the doctor
Very informative and cooperative doctor. She answered my question thoroughly. Recommended from my side.
Verified Patient
H** ***d .
I recommend the doctor
Great doc listen to your problem v carefully Allhumduillah m v much satisfying
Verified Patient
M** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
Good doctor
Verified Patient
N** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
Recommended, good
Verified Patient
T .
I recommend the doctor
She is nice doc listen very carefully your prob ..
Verified Patient
M** ***n .
Feb 18, 09:00 AM
Dr. Hina Gul Hassan
Dr. Hina Gul Hassan