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Dr. Ahmad Sajjad

Hanif Hospital (Rawalpindi) (SatelliteTown)  

Fee: Rs. 2,500
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Reviews about Dr. Ahmad Sajjad (624)

I recommend the doctor
Yes.. Satisfied.. Ab treatment ho complete faida ho hmn phr mana jaye in Doctor ko. Bythewayy. Staff is gud and Doctor also kind and well behaved
Verified Patient
S** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
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M** ***m .
I recommend the doctor
Fist time I have visit and discuss my point doctor is very humble and listen carefully and give some advice and medicience I think this doctor is very capable
Verified Patient
F .
I recommend the doctor
Very kind and good behavior all thing explain very well my first visit there was great experience
Verified Patient
M** ***m .
I recommend the doctor
Doctor was good no doubt about that but i have to wait for around 45 minutes or more
Verified Patient
S** ***n .