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Ms. Zahra Kalsoom

Zubaida Sharif Center (WAPDATown)   Change Clinic Change Clinic

Fee:Rs. 3,000
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Reviews about Ms. Zahra Kalsoom (173)

I recommend the doctor
Ms Kalsoom listened to me patiently and gave me full time and attention and advised me accordingly. It was overall a good experience.
Verified Patient
I** ***m .
I recommend the doctor
Ms. Zahra Kalsoom was friendly, very knowledgeable and makes you feel very relaxed. Highly recommend.
Verified Patient
M** ***t .
I recommend the doctor
Verified Patient
S .
I recommend the doctor
She’s so nice. She knew who I was the moment I walked on. Very professional! Clean office. Highly recommend.
Verified Patient
M** ***i .
I recommend the doctor
Great visit. Very helpful and appreciative about everything we went over.
Verified Patient
S** ***n .
May 09, 09:00 AM
Ms. Zahra Kalsoom
Ms. Zahra Kalsoom