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Dr. Gul Nawaz Khan

Pak Medical Center (Peshawar) (KhyberBazar)  

Fee: Rs. 1,200
This doctor is not available for booking

95% patients feel satisfied after booking appointment from oladoc

It takes only 30 sec to book an appointment

Reviews about Dr. Gul Nawaz Khan (66)

I recommend the doctor
Outstanding experience.
Verified Patient
A** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
Experience was better with Dr. Gul Nawaz.
Verified Patient
Y** ***l .
I recommend the doctor
Verified Patient
M** ***d .
I recommend the doctor
Its an amazing experence
Verified Patient
S** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
The Dr and his stuff was very nice and Good he is very honest he Is vary good Experiences Man
Verified Patient
F .