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Ms. Tanzeela Karim

Infinity Healthcare Centre (MadinaTown)   Change Clinic Change Clinic

Fee:Rs. 1,500
Doctor is not available at the selected location right now

95% patients feel satisfied after booking appointment from oladoc

It takes only 30 sec to book an appointment

Reviews about Ms. Tanzeela Karim (21)

I recommend the doctor
Dr.Tanzeela is very co-operative made you feel like you are talking to a family member very friendly Em well satisfied.
Verified Patient
U** ***n .
I recommend the doctor
She is very professional , and I am recommending others to him . finally found a Doctor. God bless him .
Verified Patient
S** ***d .
I recommend the doctor
WAiting area is very good and you still dont have to wait for your turn for very long!!! Thanks Oladoc for guiding and saving my time..
Verified Patient
M .