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Dr. Sumera Channa

Quaid-e-Azam Complex (Saddar)   Change Clinic Change Clinic

Fee:Rs. 1,500
May, 06
May, 07
May, 08
May, 09
May, 10
May, 11
May, 12
May, 13
May, 14
May, 15
May, 16
May, 17

95% patients feel satisfied after booking appointment from oladoc

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Reviews about Dr. Sumera Channa (130)

I recommend the doctor
The compassion with which you treat patients is more effective than any medicine!! thank you doctor you are a perfect combination of responsibility and care..!!!!
Verified Patient
A .
I recommend the doctor
So polite and i am completly satisfied.thanks
Verified Patient
A .
I recommend the doctor
Listened to me very patiently. Good experience.
Verified Patient
M** ***i .
I recommend the doctor
Doctor was so experienced and understanding patients issue and know how to solve
Verified Patient
F** ***i .
May 06, 06:30 PM
Dr. Sumera Channa
Dr. Sumera Channa