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Sensitive Teeth Diet: Best and Worst Foods for Pain Relief

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Sensitive teeth can be very painful. You may experience pain and discomfort after eating hot, cold, or sugary foods, which makes it impossible to enjoy your meal. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the inner layer of your teeth known as dentin is exposed due to worn enamel or gum disease.

Sensitive teeth may require treatment from a dentist and may limit some of the foods you take. But did you know that your diet can impact your teeth sensitivity? In fact, smart dietary choices help minimize discomfort and improve your oral health. In this article, we will discuss the best and worst foods for sensitive teeth. This article also tells ways to manage sensitive teeth.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

To understand why certain foods cause discomfort, you should know what causes sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity happens when your tooth’s dentin becomes exposed. Dentin is a porous tissue filled with microscopic tubes that lead to the nerves of your teeth. When the dentin is exposed, it allows hot, cold, sweet, or acidic substances to reach the nerves, which can lead to pain and discomfort.

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Numerous factors can cause enamel erosion or gum health issues that can lead to sensitivity, including:

  • Brushing too hard
  • Eating acidic foods and drinks
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Grinding your teeth (bruxism)

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, your dentist may share tips and tricks to manage sensitivity or provide procedures to improve your condition. You can manage tooth sensitivity by avoiding trigger foods and taking care of your teeth.

5 Best Foods for Sensitive Teeth

1. Dairy Products

If you like your teeth, you should make dairy products your best friend! Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, contain calcium, which is an essential vitamin for your teeth. They also contain phosphorus, which along with calcium, helps strengthen your tooth enable. Additionally, hard cheeses like cheddar enhance your saliva production. It neutralized the acids in your mouth and as a plus, it also tastes yummy. So, if you want to keep your teeth healthy, it is time to increase your dairy intake.

2. Leafy greens

A superfood, leafy greens top the health chart for their vast benefits for all parts of your body. They are rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and can help make your teeth stronger. Moreover, leafy greens like cabbage and lettuce also stimulate your saliva production, which helps clean the mouth and prevent teeth sensitivity.

3. Crunchy fruits and vegetables

Some raw and crunchy foods and vegetables, such as apples, celery, and carrots, can also help prevent or manage teeth sensitivity. These foods act as a natural toothbrush and help remove plaque stuck between your teeth. Moreover, it also promotes saliva production that helps protect your teeth. Crunchy fruits and vegetables are also full of minerals and nutrients that can benefit your overall health.

4. Nuts and seeds

Another superfood, nuts and seeds have many benefits for your body. Nuts like almonds and cashews are rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which prevents enamel wear and tear, making your teeth stronger. Seeds like chia seeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids that can promote gum health and reduce inflammation.

5. Whole grains

Whole grains like oats and brown rice take more time to break down than other foods. It can lower the amount of sugar that sticks to your teeth. These grains are also full of useful vitamins and minerals that can help improve dental health, in addition to your overall health.

The Worst Foods for Sensitive Teeth

On the flip side, some foods can worsen tooth sensitivity. Here are the foods you should avoid if you experience teeth sensitivity.

1. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, and delicious foods which are full of Vitamin C, which is a vital vitamin for your body. However, they are also acidic, which can have a negative impact on your oral health. Acidic foods can make your teeth sensitive by making them more sensitive. These fruits can also be painful for you as they can irritate exposed nerves in your mouth. As it may be hard to skip citrus fruits due to their vast benefits, ensure that your rinse your mouth after eating them.

2. Chewy candies

Are you a fan of sticky candies like jellies? They can wreak havoc on your teeth. Candies usually contain high amounts of sugar which can cause bacteria in your mouth. Additionally, some of them often get stuck to your teeth for long periods and can produce acid in your teeth that may erode enamel. Chewy candies can also worsen your gum disease and cause gum recession by sticking to your teeth.

3. Carbonated Beverages

Sodas and carbonated drinks are particularly dangerous for your teeth if you are sensitive. They are not only acidic but also contain high amounts of sugar and when the sugar comes in contact with bacteria in our mouth, it produces more acid. In the long term, this weakens your enamel and increases teeth sensitivity to triggers like food.

4. Sugary cold foods

Foods like ice cream and other frozen desserts can be disastrous to your teeth. They are trigger foods that cause onset of teeth sensitivity due to being severely cold and they are also are high in sugar. They can erode your enamel and cause pain too. However, it is not always possible to avoid them so try eating them slowly or opt for a smaller spoon to minimize contact with your teeth.

5. Icy drinks

If you are one who often adds ice to your drinks, it is high time to quit. It can bring extreme pain if you have sensitive teeth. Consumption of cold water makes your teeth prone to sensitivity. If you have the habit of chewing on ice, we must warn you against it. Chewing ice can damage your teeth, and in extreme cases, it may chip or break your teeth

6. Tea and coffee

Black tea and coffee are both acidic in nature and can destroy the integrity of your teeth. They can lead to cavities and teeth sensitivity. You may feel pain or discomfort when you drink hot tea or coffee if you have teeth sensitivity. Not only that, tea and coffee can also stain your teeth, increasing the need for whitening treatments. Try drinking black tea and coffee through a straw to reduce contact with your teeth. Additionally, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward. You should also consider switching to green tea, which is less likely to stain and can also benefit your health.

How Sensodyne Rapid Action Can Help

It is crucial to use a toothpaste that is specifically designed to protect your enamel and address sensitivity. Sensodyne Rapid Action is considered one of the best toothpastes for sensitive teeth, as it contains active ingredients like potassium nitrate and strontium chloride to cater to it. These ingredients block pathways to the nerve and minimize the sensations from hot or cold food.

You can strengthen your enamel and reduce sensitivity over time by twice daily brushing with Sensodyne. It is a simple addition to your oral care regime but can make a significant difference in how your teeth when eating or drinking hot and cold food.

Tips to Manage Sensitive Teeth

If you have sensitive teeth, some everyday tips can help you avoid discomfort by making changes to your lifestyle. Here are some tips to manage teeth sensitivity:

1. Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes:

Do not drink or eat hot food or beverages right after having a cold one as it can trigger sensitivity. As excessively hot food can shock your teeth, keep the temperature of your meals moderate.

2. Rinse your mouth after acidic foods:

Eliminating acidic foods completely is nearly impossible as many healthy foods can also be acidic, like tomato. To avoid damage to your teeth from these foods, rinse your mouth after consuming them.

3. Maintain a healthy oral care routine:

Your teeth demand a regular oral care routine to keep them in good shape. Apart from your diet, regular cleaning is also essential. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss before going to bed to clear your mouth from impurities. Additionally, your dentist may suggest a mouthwash to lessen sensitivity or protect your teeth.

4. Visit your dentist:

Regardless of the care you take of your teeth, skipping the dentist is probably the worst thing that you are doing for your teeth. The dentist can help guide you on the condition of your teeth. They can also recommend treatments that can help reduce sensitivity and other best practices to manage teeth sensitivity.


Living with sensitive teeth does not mean that you have to give up on your favorite foods. You can protect your teeth from pain and discomfort by being careul about what you eat. Adding the best foods for sensitive teeth, like dairy, leafy greens, and whole grains, into your diet can make your enamel stronger and improve your overall oral health. On the other hand, steering clear from the worst foods for your teeth, such as citrus, sodas, and sticky candies, will help prevent further damage to your teeth.

In addition to this, make Sensodyne toothpaste part of your everyday routine. As one of the best toothpaste brands for sensitive teeth in Pakistan, it is specially formulated to protect your teeth from pain and keep your enamel strong.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer - Author Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer is a top Dentist with 15 years of experience currently practicing at Sana Samin Dental Care, Lahore. You can call our helpline 04238900939 for more information.

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