Eye Surgeon
MBBS, FCPS (Ophthalmology), Fellowship cornea & Refractive surgery
Eye Surgeon
MBBS, FCPS (Ophthalmology), Fellowship cornea & Refractive surgery
Eye Specialist
M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S., M.R.C.S.
Eye Specialist
MBBS (Aga Khan University), FCPS (Ophthalmologist), FCPS (Vitreo Retinal Ophthalmology)
Eye Specialist
MBBS (Aga Khan University), FCPS (Ophthalmologist), FCPS (Vitreo Retinal Ophthalmology)
Eye Specialist
MBBS, FCPS (Ophthalmology)
Eye Specialist
MBBS, FCPS (Ophthalmology)
Eye Specialist
M.B.B.S., M.S. (Ophthalmology), Ph.D
Eye Specialist
MBBS (Gold Medal), FCPS (Ophthalmology), FCPS (Vitro Retinal Surgery), Corneo-Refractive Surgery, Moorefields Eye, London, UK, Fellowship in Retina, Manchester University UK
Eye Specialist
MBBS (Gold Medal), FCPS (Ophthalmology), FCPS (Vitro Retinal Surgery), Corneo-Refractive Surgery, Moorefields Eye, London, UK, Fellowship in Retina, Manchester University UK
Eye Specialist
MBBS, FCPS (Ophthalmology), Fellowship in Vitreo Retina
Eye Specialist
MBBS (Gold Medalist), FCPS (Gold Medalist), MD (USA), Fellowship Vitreretinal Surgery (USA), Fellowship Oculoplastic Surgery (USA)
Eye Specialist
MBBS (Gold Medalist), FCPS (Gold Medalist), MD (USA), Fellowship Vitreretinal Surgery (USA), Fellowship Oculoplastic Surgery (USA)
Eye Specialist
M.B.B.S, F.C.P.S (Ophthalmology), FICO (UK)
An ocular prosthesis, artificial eye or glass eye is a type of craniofacial prosthesis that replaces an absent natural eye following an enucleation, evisceration, or orbital exenteration. The prosthesis fits over an orbital implant and under the eyelids.