About Jeejal Maa Hospital
Jeejal Maa Hospital is a state of the art hospital located in the heart of Hyderabad. There are total 7 panel doctors, out of which 1 doctors are currently bookable at oladoc.com.The rest of the 6 doctors practicing at Jeejal Maa Hospital are non-bookable from the website.
For further information regarding appointments with these doctors, you can call our helpline.
Appointment details
The hospital stays open 24/7 but consultation times for different doctors may vary. To book an appointment with any of the doctors practicing at
Jeejal Maa Hospital call on
02138183101 or click the
"Book Appointment" button.
Most Experienced doctors
1 of the most experienced doctors practicing at Jeejal Maa Hospital are:
Average Consultation Fee
The average consultation fee at Jeejal Maa Hospital is 2000 rupees.