Flexin is naproxen sodium, a non steroidal antiinflammatory drug. It works by reducing pain and inflammation.
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Flexin is an NSAID used for the treatment of painful and inflammatory conditions like arthritis, joint pain, back pain, migraine and menstrual cramps. It contains the active ingredient Naproxen which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving actions. Like other NSAIDs, Naproxen works by reducing pain and inflammation in the body by blocking the effects of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the production of prostaglandins, lipid autacoids that can cause unwanted pain and inflammation if their levels are in excess.Flexin Tablet Uses
Flexin ایک NSAID ہے جو دردناک اور سوزش والی حالتوں جیسے گٹھیا، جوڑوں کا درد، کمر درد، درد شقیقہ اور ماہواری کے درد کے علاج کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ اس میں فعال جزو نیپروکسین ہوتا ہے جس میں سوزش اور درد کو کم کرنے والے افعال ہوتے ہیں۔ دیگر NSAIDs کی طرح، Naproxen cyclo-oxygenase (COX) انزائمز کے اثرات کو روک کر جسم میں درد اور سوزش کو کم کرکے کام کرتا ہے۔ یہ انزائمز پروسٹگینڈنز، لپڈ آٹاکوائڈز کی تیاری میں شامل ہیں جو کہ اگر ان کی سطح زیادہ ہو تو ناپسندیدہ درد اور سوزش کا سبب بن سکتے ہیں۔
You should know the risks and warnings of Flexin tablet to prevent its misuse. There are some specific circumstances under which the use of certain medications is contraindicated or considered dangerous. So when taking any medicine, it's always a good practice to familiarize yourself with its risks and warnings. The risks and warnings associated with Flexin tablet are: Flexin is not considered safe to use during pregnancy. Therefore you must consult your doctor before using it. If you are breastfeeding, do not use Flexin before prior approval from your healthcare provider. If you are allergic to Naproxen or any of the other ingredients in Flexin, you are advised to refrain from its use to prevent an allergic reaction.1. Pregnancy
2. Breastfeeding
3. Allergic reaction
Some common side effects of Flexin tablet include:Flexin Side Effects
The use of Flexin tablet is contraindicated in the following conditions:
Flexin may interact with the following drugs: