Velosef is a type of antibiotic, which is used for treating bacterial infections in the body.
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Velosef is effective only against bacterial infections, and thus cannot be used to cure viral infections.Velosef Capsule Uses
You should know the risks and warnings of Velosef to prevent its misuse. There are some specific circumstances under which the use of certain medications is contraindicated or considered dangerous. So if you are taking any medicine its always a good practice to familiarize yourself with its risks and warnings. The risks and warnings associated with Velosef are: Some people can be allergic to Velosef. A mild form of allergy can lead to skin rashes, wheezing etc., however, a severe case can be fatal as well. Known as anaphylactic shock, this condition has symptoms including breathing difficulty, nausea, skin rashes. If medical aid is not given, like an EpiPen, there can be serious consequences. Moreover, if you have any allergies to Velosef, do not take cephradine or its other derivatives as well. Velosef should only be given when the bacteria are sensitive to it. Otherwise, it can lead to a condition known as antibiotic resistance. This leads to problems with treating the future infections, as the bacteria becomes ‘resistant’ to it. It is applicable mainly to the infection of the nose, ear and throat. If you have a history of seizures or have renal impairment, take Velosef with caution as It can trigger seizures. Moreover, those with conditions like brain tumors, have a propensity towards seizures. Therefore, people with such ailments should also take Velosef with caution. People with kidney failure should take Velosef with caution. Our kidneys perform the central task of removing toxins and waste products from the body. When kidneys are unable to carry out their job well, toxins from the drugs build up in the body. This has severe implications for the health of the person. It is pertinent to consult a healthcare provider about your kidney problems so that they can suggest your dosage accordingly. Jarisch-Herxheimer is a reaction that occurs when Velosef is given to patients with Lyme disease. This happens due to the release of endotoxins on account of the death of the bacteria. People with gastric ulcers and acidity must take Velosef with caution as It has an impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, Velosef can also lead to ulceration in the stomach when used for the longer term. Disclose this to your doctor, so that they can prescribe a gastroprotective agent alongside for preventing the pain and protecting the stomach. Individuals suffering from liver disease should also exercise caution when using Velosef. Liver does the metabolism and excretion of drugs from the body. If it’s not working properly, then drugs can get accumulated in the body and cause damage to it. Pregnant women should not take Velosef unless prescribed by their doctor. Similarly, mothers who are nursing should also consult their doctor before using Velosef. This is because medicine can gravely affect the health of the baby. People who are taking anticoagulants for blood thinning, or have any blood disorder, should take Velosef only when prescribed by the doctor.Allergic to Velosef:
Non-susceptible organisms:
Kidney failure:
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction:
Gastric ulcers:
Liver diseases:
Pregnancy and breastfeeding:
Anticoagulants or bleeding disorders:
Possible side-effects of Velosef include:Velosef Side Effects
Some of the possible drug interactions include: