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Health Forum

Asked for Female, 6 years

Aoa. My baby girl is 8 months and 7 days old and she is too weak she doesn't sit herself she is not gaining weight. She doesn't take formula I give her banana apple cerelac. She is active but she is too weak. I had tried fresh milk she also does not take that I am too tensed.Tia JazakAllah

Asked for Female, 37 years

I suffered from chikungunya in December 2017. It took me more than 10 months to get rid of foot swelling and severe joint pain and now again I don't know what's happening I've swelling in the body, pain in the body, joints pain, every time I feel tired and fatigue. It isn't severe like that but am I again having that disease? Because I heard by someone that if you have faced this disease whenever u have a fever your joint will have pain.

Asked for Female, 59 years

Asking for my mother. She is 54 years old. She is a BP patient. Sometimes she feels numbness in hands. She feels weakness alot of times, Pain in muscles and low energy problems. Please suggest some vitamins and iron tablets for her. As there is no evident problem just weakness. Is it normal at this age?

Asked for Female, 7 years

My daughter is 18 months old. She does not sleep at night. She sleeps in the day time. She keeps taking naps all night. Like she went to sleep at 9 pm and woke up at 11 pm. Then she went to sleep at 2 am and woke up at 4 am. What is the reason for disturbed sleep? How to solve this issue?

Asked for Female, 33 years

My hair is getting weak day by day. I used to smoke 5-6 cigs per day now I don't smoke regularly but after 3-4 days. I'm very worried about my hair as they're less in the front and I can see empty lines especially when they are wet. Please recommend me some multivitamins or anything which makes my hair strong and improves growth. Thanks

Asked for Female, 12 years

My daughter is 7 years old. There is a very bad smell coming out of her mouth even she brush twice a day.. its like a smell with breath. Can anyone guide me that whats the reason behind it and how can I treat it? She is facing this issue from a couple of months.

Asked for Female, 30 years

Heyy anyone there who can tell me? Whats up with my face? This never happened with me before? Maybe due to extreme hot weather. But still i want to know if it is a problem? My skin was all clean and fresh. No any pimple nothing. This makes my face very rough. Suggest anything for this?

Asked for Male, 28 years

I'm exactly 22 years old man. My height is 5.3 and I want to increase it by 2-3 inches. I’m considering taking some supplements for that. Need guidance

Asked for Male, 35 years

So I decided to shave my head because of dandruff etc. I have decent amount of hairs and never really worried about hairloss. But I am panicing because I shaved my hairs and they are just coming out and are really tiny, I started oiling them today and noticed few of them have fallen and can be seen in my hands. Is this normal? Can hair so small (just started coming out of their pore) shed like this? Is this a normal occurence?

Asked for Female, 58 years

My mother gets redness in one of her eye after every few days along with the pain on same side of face. I consulted with her eye doctor and she was of the opinion that it is nothing serious. Pain gets so serious that my mother feels like throwing up and it is difficult for her to move her body. Please suggest some help.

Asked for Female, 32 years

My wife has recently stopped breastfeeding my daughter as she is ALHAMDOLILLAH nearing 2 years. But my wife is having a lot of pain and swelling in her breasts and they are becoming very hard plus according to her the hokes are also blocked with some white material. My query is to suggest me any medicines or remedies to resolve the issue JazakALLAH

Asked for Female, 9 years

Aoa My child age is 3 years 1 month . Her teacher in the pre school told me that she didn’t focus on things, don’t listen to the teacher, drooling most of the time not attentive. I heard about ADHD and feeling curious about her. Is she relatable? If yes then whom to consult with? And as a parent how can I contribute to ease her problem

Asked for Male, 39 years

Sometimes my heart beats so fast and feels like it would burst through my chest. it also causes breathing problem sometimes. i realized it more seriously a few weeks ago while hiking. my heart beat increased suddenly and it caused abnormal sweating. I also witnessed the breathing problem for the very first time that day. I am 23 y/o, and mostly my pressures are normal. is this problem related to any type of heart disease..?

Asked for Female, 7 years

My baby is 5 and a half month old and has some dry skin around the toe nail of his foot. It is increasing day by day. He doesn’t cry when i touch it. Kindly guide me what it is?

Asked for Female, 17 years

My 11 years old son has this skin problem on the head ,, with redness,, tenderness n itching. There is some whitish dandruff like,, please need some remedy

Asked for Female, 43 years

At times, I have severe headache at the left side. It increases with any movement. Also, I experience excessive burps/belching during this. Is it gastro issue and/or migraine or something else? Expert opinion with remedy please...

Asked for Female, 25 years

I have bad psoriasis since almost three years it flares up in summer specially. I’ve been to dr many time they prescribed salicylic acid based ointments but either they work for short time or don’t effect at all once a dr also gave me some kind of antibiotics which also couldn’t cure it. Any skin specialist kindly guide me what sort of treatment do I need. Is there any blood tests required for it.

Asked for Female, 31 years

A 20 years old has had scalp Psoriasis for the past 3-4 years. Donated part of his liver to his father and a few months later his psoriasis spread to other parts of his body too. Does the liver donation have anything to do with it since he had to loose his gall bladder too along with 65% of his liver? Thanks.

Asked for Female, 38 years

I am suffering with some skin disease, initially it was diagnosed by very famous dermatologists of KHI as scabies and psoriasis now its converted fungal infection. So many anti allergy and antibiotic medicines, steroid and non steroid creams lotions were prescribed but its not controlled. Currently using NOVASALIC since last 4 weeks. Pls do advise to get rid of it permanently. Awaiting for your valuable advise.

Asked for Female, 42 years

I need to know that i am feeling pain in my left breast from last 2 weeks and from 2 days i am feeling pain in nipple also and I noticed some liquid coming out when I squeezed it last night. Are these signs of breast cancer???

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