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Health Forum

Asked for Female, 31 years

What is the reason of this blistered torn out hand skin. Does it show any deficiency in body? This usually occurs with change of season especially winter. When I wash hands with any mold soap, blistering of skin deteriorates. Anyone can help and guide? Thank u

Asked for Female, 40 years

I often have severe pain in my left hand and sometimes right hand and it goes to whole arm... my computer usage is excessive due to my job nature... I have searched on internet this is possibly carpal tunnel syndrome. how severe it can become? are there any home remedies or any practices i can follow

Asked for Female, 7 years

Can we cover up toddlers head, hands and feet at nite time while sleeping in Air condtioned room? (cap, socks). There are different statements like covering feet may effect eye sight etc.

Asked for Female, 28 years

My problem is skin related. I have many areas of dead skin or corns in my feet. I used medicated plaster available in the market to remove them but they reoccur after sometime in specific areas. Please suggest cure + ways to avoid them in future. Thankyou in advance.

Asked for Male, 62 years

My father had a stone in urinary tract and a prostate cancer. Both things are operated now. But the problem is that he feels a burning sensation after urination. Although the urine is normal His current psa is 0.01. Cub ultrasound is clear too. All the recommended tests are clear doctors can't still diagnose the cause of this sensation. Any help?

Asked for Female, 33 years

Once my periods were irregular doc gave me primolute and and after some months it happened again then I took this tab too...but now after passing some months my periods are regular again but the problem is I'not conceiving as I want now ...doctors please help

Asked for Female, 29 years

I’ve heard a lot of people say “you shouldn’t take painkillers for period cramps” but some of my friends and i have severe period cramps and the only way to get some relief is painkillers (i take brufen) and using hot water bag. Is it true or not? And if it is, what should we do to relieve the pain?

Asked for Female, 37 years

I have problem about periods ...it comes before time in every month but flow is very less even from first day & thats why my weight is incresing so what should i do ?

Asked for Female, 30 years

I have facial hairs or my chin and neck, i have tried alot of things like waxing,threading etc but none of them worked properly. After removing hair through waxing or threading my chin got red & due to this i have acne problem on my chin. I think so it is due to horomones imbalancement. I don't know what type of doctor is best for me

Asked for Female, 10 years

My 4 year old daughter developed a Rash n little bumps around mouth and eyes with swelling redness dryness n itching .also in the fold of right arm .please guide me what it could be ?

Asked for Male, 11 years

My 5 year old son has this thing.. whenever it’s summers and air conditioners are on, his nose gets blocked. Even if he is warm and in a blanket. Neither me nor my husband or our other kid have it even if we r all in the same room. But he always ends up with a blocked nose and keeps waking up because of it. Please recommend what we should do?

Asked for Female, 29 years

Is skin whitening is possible with creams and tablets? My skin is oily. No pimples but my face is not fresh though colour is fair. Kindly suggest me some good brands.

Asked for Female, 34 years

Hello to all the doctors here..Going through urine infection from my pregnancy.. which is not leaving me since 2 years.. taken antibiotics n cranberry juices recommended by physicians but it comes back again after some months.. From Sunday morning feeling pain while passing urine.. feels as my bladder is still full but can't pass out. Please asap guide me what should I do? which doctor to consult?

Asked for Female, 12 years

My 6 yrs old daughter is very skinny ...she is active and a playful child but her weight is only 14 kgs ...any vitamins i can give her...one thing more she has always sweat in her hands (palms)even in air conditioner she has wet hands...wht can be the reason plz help.

Asked for Male, 38 years

My husband is suffering from wart on his right foot, i dont know exactly what is this. It is little painful and discomforting. Please let me know about this and what is the procedure to deal with it.

Asked for Female, 33 years

from 5 days, I am having severe backache maybe because I have lifted medium sized luggage bag. Also I had a c section last July. Even I can't stand for 5 mins due to this pain. Pls let me know how to cure it and how to take precautions.

Asked for Female, 7 years

My baby is 11 months old. When ever I gave him wheat cerelac usko motion shuru hjate Hain . May be usko suit nhi Kar rha ho. So should I avoid Wheat porrdige as well? I haven't given him yet but I want to as It's healthy than others ...

Asked for Female, 38 years

Hi. Previous two days my mother had fever and body achee. Taken panadol fever gone but legs pain is still their. Now i am having same issue, i.e body ache and fever. Is this thing is viral. Please suggest for the body joints ache.

Asked for Female, 31 years

Salam ! When I take food my stomach seems heavy and dont know wether it swells or bloat,I feel like that my belly is expanding and it is getting stretch I dont know what to do I am facing regularly this pain! Guide me to sort out this problem .

Asked for Female, 28 years

I am extremely fatigued and having weakness, I feel Tiredness all the time. Can't concentrate on my life affairs and unable to keep myself energized. Is there any medicine to boost my body energy and make me feel fresh? Also any consultant you can suggest me.

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