Age: 22 years She is having to complain of abdominal pain, which remains all day, mild in nature but after taking meals it becomes severe and crampy with urgency to go to the washroom If she does not take 2 or 3 meals then it reliefs There is an altered pattern of stools i-e Sometimes motions and sometimes constipation. She has done self-medication by taking metronidazole for 1 week but the situation is still the same.
Asking for my brother who had his appendix removed recently. Now his abdomen area near the appendix ...
Abdominal noise daily. More so when laying down. No pain but very rare I have a bloating feeling in ...
Sir meray akser maidy me shadeed dard rehta hy mujhy qabz ziada tar rehti hy sir koi behtren tablet ...
I am suffering from this from past 11 months, currently i am taking Estar, Desktop,Ganaton,gaviscon....
Hi, I am looking for some advice... some gastrointestinal or anyone who have similar experience. N...
I need to ask about acidity, my throat was burning from few days so and I visited an ent specialist,...