My niece always complains about pain in her ear we use drops and it gets normal for the time being but every now and then it happen. Is this normal should we consult an ENT specialist? Please suggest us some good doctors as well in Lahore
I am a 15 year old male. So I wanted to try to vape out of curiousity, I knew the strict limits I sh...
Hello My nose is burning all the time and I feel crawling sensatin on nose and below eyes on cheeks...
Hello, A few days ago I went to see the doctor and he found that I have Strep in the throat and gav...
Two weeks back I had a runny nose and kinda fever and bad throat so took augmentin 625 one tab each ...
Started with a sore throat 4 weeks ago, lost voice and regained. Now there is a white colour tonsill...
I have the sensation like there is something stuck in my throat and also have bumps at the back of m...