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Watery Motions

Asked for Male, 6 years

Hi my son is almost 9 months old. The problem is he is doing motions since 4 months some time watery sometimes semi-solid tried alot of syrups and sachet but for temporarily reduced to 2-3 motions than again 5-6 motions. weight is 11 kg with clothes since December please guide me what to do I am very tensed No teeth yet but active.

Responses (1)
Dr. Beenish Ehsan
Family Physician - Karachi

Dear Patient,

Do not worry. Every child has their own pace of growth. Some children erupt teeth around the first birthday.
Is baby on a solid diet?
Have you checked for lactose intolerance or any other food allergy?
Give your baby supplements like syrup lysovit 1 tbsp per day every day for 2 months,
DMAX vitamin D drops 2 to 3 per day for 3 months and syrup bisleri 1 tsp every day for 3 months.

For further consultation, you can choose from our list of best Pediatric Gastroenterologists in Lahore and seek in-person advice.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Hassan Suleman Malik
Pediatrician, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Dr.Salman Javed
Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist
Dr.Muhammad Jamil Azhar
Pediatrician, Neonatologist, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Pediatric Gastroenterologist

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