Who are the top 1 doctors of March 2025 in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic?
Top 1 doctor of March 2025 in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic is:
How can I book an appointment with a doctor in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic?
Click here to book an appointment with a doctor in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic or you can also call
0518151800 from 9 AM to 11 PM to book your appointment.
What is the fee range of doctors in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic?
The fee for doctors in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic is 2500. You will pay at the reception when you visit the doctor.
What is the address of Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic?
House 345-B, Street-35, F11-3 Main Hilal Road, Islamabad.
Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with a doctor in Dr. Momina Asfandiyar Clinic through oladoc?
There are no additional charges when you book through oladoc.