Also known as کارڈیک مریضوں کا انتظام
M.B.B.S, F.C.P.S (Gastroenterology), M.R.C.P-I (UK)
Internal Medicine Specialist
M.B.B.S, F.C.P.S (Medicine), M.R.C.P. ( . )
Internal Medicine Specialist
Internal Medicine Specialist
MBBS, Specialty Certificate in Endocrine and Diabetes, MRCP (Dublin), MRCP (London)
Internal Medicine Specialist
MBBS, Specialty Certificate in Endocrine and Diabetes, MRCP (Dublin), MRCP (London)
Internal Medicine Specialist
M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Medicine)
Family Physician
M.B.B.S, M.C.P.S (Medicine)
Medical Management of the patient with cardiovascular disease is referred to as Cardiac Patient Management. It involves regular monitoring and treatment of underlying conditions by a Cardiologist.