Also known as ایم آر آئی
Radiology Lab
Radiology Lab
Pathology Lab
An MRI helps a physician in looking for a disease or an injury and can help them find out how your body is responding to a treatment. It can also be done when x-rays or CT scans fail to deliver detailed information about your condition. An MRI can help keep a check on the health of certain organs including ovaries, kidneys, breasts, prostate, pancreas or liver. Or it can also aid in having a look at different ongoing conditions in your body which include:
Don’t carry any metallic items including cell phones, coins, hearing aids, eyeglasses or watches, as metal is strictly prohibited in MRI procedure rooms. This is because the magnetic field in the machine can attract all metal based items, and they will eventually create disruptions in your procedure. Do talk to your doctor briefly if you have any implanted limbs or joints, fillings in your teeth, body piercings, artificial heart valves, cochlear implants, pacemakers or drug pumps. Make sure to discuss your tattoos because some inks contain metal fragments.
An MRI machine looks like a large tube with magnets surrounding it. You’ll be asked to lie on a sliding table, then you’ll get a contrast dye called gadolinium in your hand or arm. Straps may be there to help your body stay firm. Your body is then slided into the machine and the machine initiates creating a magnetic field inside your body. Then a computer picks signals from the machine and starts creating a series of images. The procedure takes around 20-90 minutes.
Only a specially trained doctor or radiologist is able to read and understand the results of an MRI. They will then forward the results to your physician and then your physician will interpret them for you.
Unlike other radiology procedures MRI is quite safe but still there are certain risks associated with it which are as follows:
The MRI test price in Pakistan is Rs. 2,000 - 30,000
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