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33 Best Doctors for Haematuria in Multan

Dr. Ziauddin Khan

Urologist, Sexologist, Male Sexual Health Specialist, Andrologist

MBBS, FRCS (Andrology), FCPS (Urology), FRCS (Urology, UK)

33 Years Experience

Dr. Ziauddin Khan

Urologist, Sexologist, Male Sexual Health Specialist, Andrologist

MBBS, FRCS (Andrology), FCPS (Urology), FRCS (Urology, UK)

33 Years Experience

Dr. Muhmmad Fazal Ur Rehman



39 Years Experience

Dr. Muhmmad Fazal Ur Rehman



39 Years Experience
Show Doctors

What is Haematuria?

Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells in the urine. Visible hematuria, also known as gross hematuria, is easily identified, as it causes red or brown discoloration of the urine. The causes of hematuria are broad, ranging from urinary tract infection to kidney stones to bladder cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best doctor for haematuria in Multan?

10 best doctors for haematuria in Multan are:

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Waqas Khan
  • Dr. Muhammad Masood Afzal
  • Dr. Muhammad Waqas
  • Dr. Ahmad Bilal
  • Dr. Rana Ata Ur Rehman
  • Dr. Muhammad Adnan
  • Dr. Muhammad Sajid
  • Dr. Muhammad Azfar Sarfraz
  • Dr. Mian Asif Nawaz
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Khan

How can I book an appointment with a doctor for Haematuria in Multan?

Click here to book an appointment with top doctors for Haematuria in Multan. Or, you can also call at 0618048444 from 9AM to 11PM to book your appointment.

What is the fee range of the best doctors for Haematuria in Multan?

The fee for the top doctors for Haematuria in Multan ranges from Rs. 1,000 to 2,500. You can pay at reception when you visit the doctor.

Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with doctors for Haematuria in Multan through oladoc?

There are no additional charges when you book through oladoc.