Who is the best Hematologist in Rawalpindi?
3 best Hematologists in Rawalpindi are:
- Maj Gen (R) Dr. Mohammad Ayyub
- Dr. Adil Ayub
- Dr. Umarah Nisar
Who are the most experienced Hematologist in Rawalpindi?
1 most experienced Hematologist in Rawalpindi is:
How can I book an appointment with a Hematologist in Rawalpindi?
Click here to book an appointment with a top Hematologist in Rawalpindi. Or, you can also call at
0518151800 from 9AM to 11PM to book your appointment.
What is the fee range of the best Hematologists in Rawalpindi?
The fee for the top Hematologists in Rawalpindi is 1500. You can pay at reception when you visit the doctor.
Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with a Hematologist in Rawalpindi through oladoc?
There are no additional charges when you book through oladoc.
What does a Hematologist do?
Who is a Hematologist?
Doctors that concentrate on the study of human blood and treatment of blood related diseases are known as Hematologists.
oladoc can help book an appointment with a hematologist in Rawalpindi and has specialists across Rawalpindi in areas such as and so on. Patients can call us at
0518151800 to book an appointment with a specialist for their needs. Patients can also book an online doctor video consultation with top hematologists all across the country. Top hematologists practicing in Rawalpindi include
Hematologists are not only qualified to diagnose conditions like hemophilia but can also carry out extensive treatments to manage such diseases. These dcotors are also qualified to perform tests to advise the patients on their genetic makeup and guide them through life decisions that can impact their medical condition such as marriage.
Which hospital is the best for Hematologist in Rawalpindi?
Top 3 Hematology Hospitals in Rawalpindi are:
- Ayyub Labs and Clinic
- Hanif Hospital (Rawalpindi)
- Hematology Clinic
How do I choose a Hematologist?
Finding a good doctor is vital for proper diagnosis & treatment of your underlying concern. Before you make the decision of picking out a Hematologist, consider the following:
- Make sure they are experienced
- Make sure your doctor has good reviews.
- Make sure they offer the services you are looking for
- Verify, if they are certified from PMDC or have any other professional memberships
- Check if they are affiliated with a hospital you trust
Who are the best Hematologist near me in Rawalpindi?
To find the best Hematologist near you select the Doctors Near me filter at the top of the page.
Which Hematologists in Rawalpindi charge the lowest fee?
2 Hematologists in Rawalpindi which charge the lowest fee are:
- Dr. Adil Ayub
- Dr. Adil Ayub
Who are the best female Hematologist in Rawalpindi?
1 best female Hematologist in Rawalpindi is:
Which Hematologists in Rawalpindi are available for online video consultation?
2 best Hematologists in Rawalpindi for online video consultation are:
- Dr. Samina Amanat
- Maj Gen (R) Dr. Mohammad Ayyub
Which Hematologists in Rawalpindi are online now?
Click here to get a list of Hematologists in Rawalpindi that are online now/available for appointment booking.