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1 Best Doctors for Cancer - Kidney (Renal) in Taxila

Dr. Nadia Gul



22 Years Experience

Dr. Nadia Gul



22 Years Experience
Show Doctors

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best doctor for cancer - kidney (renal) in Taxila?

1 best doctor for cancer - kidney (renal) in Taxila is:

  • Dr. Nadia Gul

How can I book an appointment with a doctor for Cancer - Kidney (Renal) in Taxila?

Click here to book an appointment with top doctors for Cancer - Kidney (Renal) in Taxila. Or, you can also call at 04238900939 from 9AM to 11PM to book your appointment.

What is the fee range of the best doctors for Cancer - Kidney (Renal) in Taxila?

The fee for the top doctors for Cancer - Kidney (Renal) in Taxila is 800. You can pay at reception when you visit the doctor.

Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with doctors for Cancer - Kidney (Renal) in Taxila through oladoc?

There are no additional charges when you book through oladoc.