Good doctor
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor has over 8 years of experience in her field.
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor is a Dermatologist with 8 years of experience. You can call our helpline 0518151800 for more information.
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor has over 8 years of experience in her field.
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor has the following qualifications:
In order to book an appointment with Dr. Shafaq Mansoor you can call 0518151800 or click the Book Appointment button.
The fee for Dr. Shafaq Mansoor ranges from Rs. 1,500 - 1,800 for appointments and video consultations.
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor is currently practicing at the following locations:
Following are some of the services offered by Dr. Shafaq Mansoor:
Following are some of the conditions treated by Dr. Shafaq Mansoor:
Good doctor
Was best experience. Doc listened to me completely and asked all relevant questions.
She was very polite
Explain everything very well
Dr.Shafaq.Mansoor. Is very nice personality...very humble Doctor..i like feel my family Dr ...I recommend to All user Oladoc according to skin issue first periorty Dr Shafaq Manoor ..Very Brilliant Dr ... I am very with behavior Mam
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor's fee ranges from Rs. 1,500 to Rs. 1,800 for consultation.
Location | Fee |
Online Video Consultation | Rs. 1,800 |
Maryam Memorial Hospital | Rs. 1,500 |
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor has 8 years of experience.
100% users had a positive experience with Dr. Shafaq Mansoor.
Dr. Shafaq Mansoor has the following degrees: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. (Dermatology)