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Health Forum

Asked for Female, 37 years

I want to ask that during pregnancy I have gained too much weight and I have been unable to reduce. What should I do? I also wanted to ask that most of the times, I have severe pain in my legs and I can’t sit on the floor properly and if I somehow sit then it gets difficult for me. I have had the “C Section” operation.

Asked for Male, 42 years

Asking for my husband. He is using anti-allergy medicines for quite some time. Now his tongue is white no matter how much he cleans. His breath also smells bad, especially in the morning. Please suggest what to do?

Asked for Female, 48 years

I am female and using Diclofenac for my knee pain. It helps with the knee but I now have an upset stomach and am gassy most of the time. Can you recommend me some other medicine without these effects?

Asked for Male, 58 years

I am suffering from psoriasis since 2002 and face two severe attack during this tenure. Ointments did not provide me much relief but Vitamin D gave a good relief. Presently I am taking Cap Indrop-D on fortnightly basis. Face and hand feel oily. I am patient of Hypertension and Diabetes. Can any body suggest any other treatment?

Asked for Female, 42 years

My wife is sick for three days and has an elevated heart rate. She is quite worried about it and keeps on thinking that it is something serious. What can I do to help her? Please advice.

Asked for Female, 32 years

My problem is that i have had long hair and growth was too much but in January 2017 i diagnosed with low HB level and low vitamin D deficiency. Afterwards i recovered by taking meat and proper diet but after 4 months i noticed unusual hair fall. I took Clc 1000 and vitamin D but the situation day by day got worse and still I have severe hair fall with no growth. Now i don’t think i am deficient of anything...Any suggestions for vitamin which could lessen hair fall?

Asked for Female, 32 years

I am having shoulder numbness. I have infection problem since childhood. Antibiotics like Amoxil settle down for time being but shoulder and neck are like totally Numb. I have minor issue of liver (very slow blood making) and after massage numbness ends for some time and then starts again. No signs on shoulders. Recommendations required by doctors?

Asked for Male, 31 years

She is suffering from headache and pain in whole body and nails of fingers and toes...feet swell after walking some distance... What is diagnosis and treatment?

Asked for Male, 1 year

Today I got re-circumcised my son. After the sleep, he had red spots/rashes on his face. What’s the problem and should I give him Brufen (as per prescribed by the doctor) after this new unexpected development?

Asked for Male, 1 year

Baby boy is continuously digging his ear. Right and left ear both. Due to this, both ears got red. I have used salinase drops prescribed by a doctor in town but no permanent cure. Any other drops that I can use?

Asked for Male, 38 years

I have permanent staining on upper central incisors which are not removed by scaling...A dentist told me about veneers. I want to confirm about the possible expenditure and any side effects. Will the veneers be applied on incisors only or it will include canines as well?

Asked for Male, 27 years

I am a patient of active hepatitis B. I am taking Viread 300 mg. 15 days ago, I started suffering from vomiting and nausea. I started taking liquid diet like juices but not effective. My eyes and skin are yellow. Vomiting is still present. I am taking meds onset and urso. But these are not effective. Kindly diagnose the problem and suggest some remedy

Asked for Male, 7 years

My son is having constipation since last 3 months. He poops only once a week and struggles a lot while doing it and cries a lot. The stool is Hard. He is taking Lactulose 5 ML daily since 2 weeks but no improvement. Only 10 % relief while pooping. Any quick remedy or medication? Or should I consult any doctor?

Asked for Female, 39 years

I am using vitamin D3 5000 in two times a day and biotin 5000mcg after breakfast. Its more than 1 month that i am using these upon prescription of my family doctor. In this duration my weight starts to increase and i gained about 6 kg in a single month. Do you think that it is because of these medicine?

Asked for Male, 22 years

A Young Boy is having this skin problem from 1 year. The pigmentation started as a small circle on the front of chest and reached to this condition till date. It’s only on anterior chest and abdomen. The pigmented area is having smoother texture and surface as compared to normal skin surface.Questions:1- Name of this disease? 2- Medication recommended?

Asked for Female, 61 years

My mother is having fungal infection of nails for long duration and that’s pretty ok now. For few months she’s having some patchy lesions in scalp with itching blackish dis-coloration than loss of hair, scalp in back feels v soft, and painful scratch.. Any shampoo or medication for this?

Asked for Female, 31 years

Whenever my sister took or had some stress and she wept after a few minutes, she started breathing fast and after a few moments her breath became so fast that she started having intense difficulty in breathing and eventually she used to faint. We had consulted almost 3 Doctors, medication prescribed, but still no cure. Further, I would like to mention that prior she was having sinus issue which is cured now but now this happens every time. Any competent professional

Asked for Male, 8 years

My son has the history of eczema and now asthma. Doctor suggested him lacto grow 3. He is active and ok but doesn’t speak. I give him fresh milk but doctor said that milk is not beneficial for kids who suffer from allergies. I asked her that can i give my son pediasure but she said no. Is it necessary that I should give him lacto grow 3 or should I give him pediasure?

Asked for Male, 63 years

My father is an Alzheimer dementia patient. Lately, he has been sleeping a lot even in the day time. Anyone who has knowledge about it and can guide if it’s right or should it be corrected? Also he was taking zexa 10 mg. Now the doctor has suggested ebexia. Anyone who has given this medicine to his/her patient and seen any sort of improvement

Asked for Female, 53 years

GERD+ severe POST NASAL DRIP from last 10 days causing difficulty in breathing. Heart burn radiate to middle back loss of appetite. Previous history of allergic rhinitis and stomach upset & asthma. The patient is currently on Nexum, Ganataon, Gavascan, Ventek for asthma, and Inhalers... How should I get relief from post nasal drip and who to consult? ENT OR gastroenterologist or pulmonologist?

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