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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 50 years

I had epidural injections twice and it did not decrease the pain, I cant walk normally and also can't sit properly. I decided now to go for surgery. I think the doctor explained the surgery is a bit complicated and I am a little scared now. need your advice

Asked for Male, 52 years

I've been forgetting things since long and its getting worse by age. How to know the exact cause and solution to it?

Asked for Female, 30 years

My nose is extremely dry and feels like block nose but it doesnt have any congestion or mucus. Unable to breathe through nose until suck air hardly through nose like if there is some obstruction or my nose inner tissues sticks with each other when giving pressure sucking via nose.

Asked for Female, 45 years

I have back pain lasting a year, I had x-ray done in September which revealed scoliosis, after many physiotherapy and bio kinetics, I had an MRI which came back normal, I thought maybe its fibromyalgia which was diagnosed 2 years ago, but the pain wont go away with any type of treatment and therapy, what else can I look at? never been in an accident or injury, no other health problems

Asked for Male, 20 years

I have a 12 year old son. Every now and then he feels 'weak' and feels like he is shaking. His father gives him a spoonful of glucose and within minutes he is fine again. My grandmother was a diabetic - so not sure if he might have it. he was tested last year for iron levels and all came back fine. He has these 'spells' about 2/3 a month.

Asked for Male, 71 years

20 years ago i broke 2 vertebrae and fractured 3 disc's 456 in my back in an accident. it took months for me to get right .when i went to my GP he told me to avoid the operation if i could put up with the pain, which i have for 20 years but now i'm struggling i get a lot of back spasms lots of physiotherapy to sort me out do think i need the operation if so which one would it be?

Asked for Male, 50 years

I have had a burning on the surface of my upper legs for the last 2-3 weeks. Together with this feeling I have a dull cramp feeling on or near my tail bone. Don't know if problem is linked. Please help

Asked for Male, 70 years

Severe back pain left and right side, burning sensation towards the middle, with numbness in right leg, frequent urination and inconsistent bowel movements. Pain started 6 months ago, just suddenly, no strain or injury, x-ray suggested loss of lordosis muscle spasm, insisted on MRI, no nerve infringement from discs and any other issue. endoscope and colonoscopy showed no problem, ultrasound of liver, stomach kidney etc. All normal, blood and urine tests all clear. Please tell what to do

Asked for Male, 32 years

I ate depression tablets prescribed by a doctor. I was feeling pain in stomach and my half side of the body seemed to be paralyzed for some days on and off. My heart beat remained 40 beats per minute for almost two months. Nowadays i am having pain in the right side of head and also I am physically weaker than before. also i have got problem in urination after taking tablets. I have lost 7 kg. is it normal? Please guide

Asked for Female, 75 years

My mother was very active but then her BP shot up and due to that her left eye and mouth has been damaged. one doctor says its stomach problem some say its brain problem while some say its back problem. I dont know what to do, now every time she has pain in her right hand, there is swelling in the left foot.Please guide what to do

Asked for Female, 80 years

My mother has got fracture in her right elbow. She is 74 doctor is saying that since bone in this age is not possible to be healed, plate would be required to put in through surgery. She is diabetic and high blood pressure patient and takes medicines for both. Please suggest.

Asked for Female, 84 years

An old diabetic & hypertensive lady is suffering from severe bone pain. Her diet is very restricted & she takes care of it. She has recieved treatment from two different doctors who just provided pain killers that decrease pain for a specific time. Please suggest a permanent solution

Asked for Male, 44 years

Swelling and pain on left side of neck, frequent headache, sudden increase in heart rate , pain in chest region, weight loss. Fever now and then. T3 level below normal​ range (1.45)T4 and TSH Normal. What's most probable diagnosis? Any thing to worry about?

Asked for Female, 30 years

I have intestine infection, unable to digest food, bloating, vitamin deficiency and skin dryness. please help

Asked for Female, 55 years

My mother is suffering from migrane since 3-4 days ....and she complaints of having pain in one eye .(this eye becomes bigger when in pain).she is 57 years old and BP patient .please help

Asked for Female, 26 years

Hi I'm 6 months pregnant and experiencing nose bleed upon checking from tissue. I have no flu or nothing and haven't touched my nose with nails or anything. Please recommend solution

Asked for Female, 39 years

Please tell me about removal of tonsil stones I am 28 and since last 15 years I have stale taste at back of my mouth and bad breath from throat.

Asked for Male, 55 years

I am a fatty liver and cyrosis patient my serum amonia level is 205 and liver meld score is 7.85. How can I reduce amonia level?

Asked for Female, 29 years

3 days back I had my meal and after 5-6 hours my arm and wrist area started developing very itchy red marks then it got better within in two days then today I had the same meal and again they happened in more severe form. Please guide

Asked for Male, 3 months

My nephew is 9 month old MashaAllah having weight 9.5 kg but he doesn't sit even with pillow support. please give suggestions should we go for his checkup or it is normal?

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