My 1 year daughter and 3 years son both have high fever around 103 i gave them panadol after every 4 hours..... but no improvement seen. No other symptoms are observed. Is there need of an antibiotic?
13 years old boy. having painless swelling on his upper border of left buttock since childhood. Firs...
Is Dollar DS (MEFANAMIC ACID) 60ML Syrup safe to take after every 4hours ? As my 4year girl suffer...
Hi, My baby boy is 10 days old. I am considering getting his circumcision done. However, I am confus...
My baby is 9 months old. He sleeps very less. Still, he doesn't sleep in long 8 hours. Since birth, ...
My daughter is 5 months old. The doctor has advised starting rice cerelac and banana. I started givi... daughter is 3 months now and is on formula feed... i strted off wd lectogen1 but she was sp...