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5 Great Ways To Deal With Anxiety During Your Pregnancy

1 min read

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One of the most amazing experiences in a woman’s life is the time of her pregnancy. However, sometimes the changes in the body and the hormones can create a stressful situation for the mother and cause anxiety.

According to research, about 33 percent of mothers experience new-onset clinical depression or anxiety.  Moreover, for mothers who already suffer from anxiety, this can be a troublesome time. Read on to know about ways you can manage anxiety during pregnancy.

1- Talk it out:

If you are having anxiety during pregnancy, then it’s important to confide in your support group. Talk to your partner, family member or a close friend. Sometimes talking about your fears and feelings can be enough to settle your worries. You can also ask your doctor to refer you to a therapist to help you with anxiety.

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There are specialized therapists trained to help pregnant women and you can seek help from one of them. According to Healy Smith, MD, a reproductive psychiatrist at Women’s Mental Health Clinic, less than 20 per cent of women seek treatment for anxiety during pregnancy.

2- Find a release:

Find a soothing activity for yourself that you enjoy. It could be a physical activity like walking, running or yoga that releases endorphins and acts as a natural painkiller in the brain. Finding a physical release is a great and recommended way to manage stress. An aerobic activity even for as little as five minutes can have positive benefits. However, be sure to ask your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise regimen.

3- Meditate:

If you don’t want to try physical activities, then you can try other relaxing activities like meditation that can relax the brain, and turn negative thoughts into positive ones. According to American Institute of Stress, deep abdominal breathing if done for 20 to 30 minutes per day can help with anxiety, through stimulation of brain and provision of oxygen.

4- Get enough sleep:

Sometimes, lack of sleep can manifest as anxiety and stress. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and are resting enough. Even though sleep is elusive in pregnancy, try relaxing if you are not getting enough sleep. Try sneaking a nap whenever you feel time during the day.

5- Talk to your doctor: 

If your condition seems to be worsening and nothing seems to be working, then talk to your gynaecologist or psychologist about the option of medication and therapy. The sooner you get help, the better it is. Apart from therapy, and counselling, there are certain medications that can be started to combat anxiety and are safe during pregnancy. Do not feel embarrassed to share your thoughts and concerns with your doctor.

Stressful minds can turn into unhealthy bodies; if you have a stressful situation in life, then talk with a professional. Book an appointment with a top psychologist in Lahore, Karachi and Rawalpindi through oladoc.com, or call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 for assistance to find the RIGHT professional for your concerns.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Dr. Samina Anwar
Dr. Samina Anwar - Author Dr. Samina Anwar is a Gynecologist practicing in Lahore. She helps patients treat medical conditions like sexual dysfunction, PCOS, and pregnancy related disorders.You can book an appointment with Dr. Samina Anwar via oladoc.

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