Physiotherapist, Pain Management Specialist, Chiropractor
D.P.T., M.S. Physical Therapy, Graston Practitioner (Greece), Kinesiotaping Practitioner (USA)
Physiotherapist, Pain Management Specialist, Chiropractor
D.P.T., M.S. Physical Therapy, Graston Practitioner (Greece), Kinesiotaping Practitioner (USA)
Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist
M.phil, B.S. Psychology, PGD,SLT
Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist
M.phil, B.S. Psychology, PGD,SLT
Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist
BS (Psychology), MS (Clinical Psychology), Certificated (Speech Therapist)
Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist
BS (Psychology), MS (Clinical Psychology), Certificated (Speech Therapist)