Who are the top 2 doctors of March 2025 in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic?
Top 2 doctors of March 2025 in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic are:
- Dr. Essa Lab, Karachi (20% Discount)
- Dr. Nauman Shirazi
How can I book an appointment with a doctor in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic?
Click here to book an appointment with a doctor in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic or you can also call
02138140600 from 9 AM to 11 PM to book your appointment.
What is the fee range of doctors in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic?
The fee for doctors in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic is 1000. You will pay at the reception when you visit the doctor.
What is the address of Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic?
H, Block Shahrah-e-Jahangir Road, North Block H Nazimabad, Karachi.
Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with a doctor in Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic through oladoc?
There are no additional charges when you book through oladoc.