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Very good and humble dr
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan has over 20 years of experience in his field.
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan is a top Pulmonologist with 20 years of experience. You can book an in-person appointment or an online video consultation with Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan through oladoc.com or by calling at 04238900939.
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan has over 20 years of experience in his field.
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan has the following qualifications:
In order to book an appointment with Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan you can call 04238900939 or click the Book Appointment button. You can also book an online video consultation with Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan by clicking the Video Consultation button.
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan charges a fee of Rs. 4,000 for appointments and video consultations.
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan is currently practicing at the following locations:
Following are some of the services offered by Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan:
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan's fee is Rs. 4,000 for consultation.
Location | Fee |
Online Video Consultation | Rs. 4,000 |
National Hospital & Medical Centre | Rs. 4,000 |
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan has 20 years of experience.
98% users had a positive experience with Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan.
Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan has the following degrees: MBBS, MRCP UK, FRCP, FRCP, MRCP Respiratory Medicine UK
Practice location/s and timing for Dr. M Imran Ul Hasan are:
Online Video Consultation | |
Saturday | 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM |
National Hospital & Medical Centre | |
Thursday | 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM |
Friday | 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM |
Saturday | 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM |