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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 12 years

My son is 7 years old. He has some kind of ball like swelling in lower jaw on gum. The tooth is also there. It is paining and red in color. What could be the reason?

Asked for Female, 28 years

I am having abdominal pain and diarrhea especially after eating a meal. When the condition is severe I could not sleep at night. It is very agonizing. What should I do?

Asked for Female, 29 years

I was using Provera 10mg for my abnormal bleeding. The bleeding has subsidized but I feel nausea and have a headache almost all the time. I want to know is there any alternative with the same potency but not the side effects I can use.

Asked for Female, 7 years

My 2.5 year old developed a mild pink rash on her feet, arms and cheeks after getting MMR shot on Saturday. Rash appeared on Monday. Should I be concerned?

Asked for Female, 6 years

Is there any child specialist who can guide me with what medicine or drops should I use for my 3 months old baby girl who's severely irritated because of teething. Her gums are itchy and that makes her take her fingers in her mouth and it has sort of becoming my duty to take it out of her mouth the entire day. I give her teethers too but her fingers are her favorite biting object and I'm super worried.

Asked for Female, 25 years

I gauged my elbow a few days back. The is a fluid-filled bump. Now I am having medium to sometimes severe pain. Is the wound is infected and what can i do to relieve the pain?

Asked for Female, 54 years

My mother is unable to close her palm completely. Her palm is a bit swollen and if she tries to close her hand, her palm hurts especially the area of her thumb. This just suddenly happened without any kind of physical work. She takes regular medications for BP and sugar. What might be the reason? And which specialist should I consult?

Asked for Female, 38 years

I have itchy scalp and when my head sweats it gets especially itchy like I could scratch till it bleeds. Can you recommend any shampoo or oil which could help me?

Asked for Female, 36 years

I want to ask I feel lethargic and tired every time even I sleep for 8 hours, but still, I feel pain in my hand joints ankles and calf. I am fed up of my this routine.I am married and have three kids. Age 8 year's,3 years and 5 months. I feel upset and mostly shouts on kids. Kindly help me what should I do.

Asked for Female, 8 years

My 3 years daughter's complexion is getting darker day by day. I want to know the reason. She never plays outdoor. Sun exposure is also very less. M worried if it could b due to some deficiency or not?. She was quite fair by birth .. Kindly suggest me what could b the reason? Any deficiency or something else?

Asked for Female, 31 years

My wife is having a headache at the left side and with this headache, her left eye is also in pain. Its been going on for a week now. visited hospital's emergency and they gave a dicloran injection plus brufen tablet in case of pain. My wife cannot walk in the sunlight she is in severe pain.

Asked for Male, 12 years

Asking for my 6 years old son he gets sick with flu, cold and fever every month or two. He has been being prescribed antibiotics, muco / bronco dilators, medamol, and prednisolone. I want to know is this safe to give this many medicines to a 6 year old. Is there not some other way?

Asked for Female, 32 years

Wanna ask which cream is best among them Creams containing retinoids or glycolic acid creams for pigmentation black/white heads and comedonal acne.

Asked for Male, 38 years

I am male 32 years old. Sometimes I get knee pains and I can barely walk, usually, when this happens I swell up right above my knee cap. What can this mean? Please guide.

Asked for Female, 31 years

My wife is in here the second trimester. Her hair has become very thin and started to fall. What could be the cause and how can it be cured?

Asked for Male, 33 years

I am having this painful rash on my front side of the chest. It is very sensitive. Even to the point where the shirt touch causes pain. Can you suggest some way to stop the pain?

Asked for Female, 29 years

I am visiting Pakistan and I am experiencing a vasculitis in my lower body. It burns and the itch is so bad that it wakes me up in the night. I want to know the most effective treatment available for this in Pakistan. Anything to ease the burning and itch also?

Asked for Male, 38 years

I take mycophenolate mofetil 1000 mg twice a day. I am having a problem urinating and sometimes severe stomach pain also. Can I stop taking it or is there some alternative? Please suggest.

Asked for Male, 8 years

I want to know next week baby is going to have circumcision his age is 15 months due to certain reason it delayed.I want to know is it ok to have circumcision with or without anesthesia any recommendations regarding anesthesia I mean is it harmful? As the baby is little sensible so without anesthesia will be painful please help out? Secondly which method is safe and quick ring method or stitches please give a detailed answer.

Asked for Female, 36 years

While changing my son's clothes his finger hit my eye. I felt as if it directly hit my eyeball as I was unable to open my eyes for good 5 mins and a lot of water was coming out of it. Its been 3 4 hours now but after every 15 20 mins, I feel strong pain and water comes out of my eye. I washed my eye with cold water but it made the pain worse for me. Is it something serious? Should i use any drops for it or will it get better itself?

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