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Problems in Pregnancy

Asked for Female, 32 years

I am at the start of my third trimester. My cheeks are puffy and neck is swollen. I have difficulty swallowing my food. I feel weak and have headaches. Please recommend a treatment which does not have a negative effect on the baby.

Responses (1)
Dr. Beenish Ehsan
Family Physician - Karachi

Dear Patient,

Have you asked your gynecologist as to what the problem is? Is this your first pregnancy? Have you had all basic tests like thyroid, sugar etc done? If your gynecologist is helpful kindly discuss your case with her. If not then consult a medical specialist. It's important to know why you are having trouble swallowing or if your face is unusually swollen before giving you any treatment. I would recommend you to walk daily for 10-15mins.

For further help, we recommend checking with one of the
best gynecologists in Karachi and seek a piece of in-person advice at

You can seek further professional help from the below recommended Specialists:

Prof. Dr.Sarah Feroze
Gynecologist, Obstetrician
Dr.Sarah Kazi
Gynecologist, Obstetrician
Dr.Saeeda Rafiq
Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Fertility Consultant
Dr.Sarochna Khemani
Gynecologist, Obstetrician

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