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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 9 years

My male child, aged 3 yrs 8 months old was vaccinated at school last Thursday. He already had a slight fever and was recovering. Since the vaccination, after a few hrs, he got fever and chills and the fever is persisting till now. We are giving brufen and panadol with 4 hrs gap daily since but the fever keeps returning. Can somebody plz advise if this is common or something serious? A quick response will be highly appreciated. JazakAllah

Asked for Male, 10 years

My 4 year son is sweating a lot since a week, he's having cough and flu so giving him acefyl and Tday but he sweats a lot especially at night while sleeping. What's the reason??

Asked for Female, 41 years

Hi my sister married with kids was normal but from last one week, she is having these issue. 1. Too much afraid from darkness especially after maghrib she loves to do hangout but now she doesn't wanna go out stay at home all the time. 2. she wants to cry for no reasons 3.anxiety and nausea headache 4. She doesn't want to b alone feeling afraid when alone. 5. All the time she is feeling down and the mood is like don't do anything Plz help to find the right way to overcome this.

Asked for Male, 29 years

I randomly feel a considerable amount of pain in my chest which lasts for hours, different parts, usually in the upper left area (near the heart) while sometimes in right side ribs. Also sometimes in lower area as well. Besides all this, most often, it disappears as though it never happened. I'm utterly baffled by this. I checked for ECG because most of the times I feel pain near heart area, the cardiologist said your heart seems to be fine and suggest the MUCAIN syrup. Looking for some help.

Asked for Female, 32 years

Posting on someone's behalf. During pregnancy thyroid values were on the higher side and after taking medication values became normal. Now pregnancy has over but she noticed small size of thyroid gland appear which hurts when touched. These are the values now. Could you please advise.

Asked for Male, 32 years

Kindly tell me reason of itching nd burning sensation in my hands and feet .(medical history:a small kidney stone,from 2 days also feeling pain strokes,in morning i felt harsh pain in kidney for few hourz nd after this my hands nd feet became red even red spots , itching and burning sensation is becoming svere.Ac and ice are not working too ,I also used cold water but all in vain..

Asked for Female, 31 years

Pain in stomach appears at different time interval. Just noticed belly button outside like swollen or what cannot differentiate but is hard and little bit outside just Iike in pregnancy. What could be the reason?

Asked for Male, 34 years

I often feel chest pain, back pain and numbness and shooting pains in both arms and hands. I had echo ett ecg and blood work 6 months ago ... all was fine other than my cholesterol which was borderline high. I’m overweight too. I have a strong family history of heart diseases so wenever I had chest pain I used to visit any duty doctor ... n they said it’s anxiety GERD and muscle weakness... and ecg were fine... do u think it’s not heart related too ... I’m really stressed ...

Asked for Male, 35 years

I ate depression tablets prescribed by Dr. faridullah Shah. I was feeling pain in stomach and my half side of the body seemed to be paralyzed for some moments. My heart beat remained 40 beats per minute for almost two months. Nowdays I am feeling pain in my half head and also I got physically weak. also i have got problem in urination after eating those anti depression tablets. life not seems to be normal after eating those tablets. It seems that I have lost my 5-8 kg weight.

Asked for Male, 8 years

My son's feet remain extremely cold all the time. Like ice. Even though he wears double socks. I don't know how to deal with this issue. Is it a medical condition ? He is 1.5 years old btw

Asked for Female, 7 years

This is my 11months old daughter's hand after giving blood for lab test. Skin turns dark and little red... is it something to worry about or just normal? Never happend before.

Asked for Male, 34 years

Almost every day after maghrib headache grabs me. Sometimes half head like migraine or sometimes full head but very severe. Normally I take plain panadol for this. But can anyone suggest me how to get rid off properly ? Please advice....

Asked for Female, 31 years

I am a vitiligo since years and I have white patches on my body but now I want to do my whole body white. Is this possible by any kind of medicine.If yes than it will have some bad effects.

Asked for Male, 47 years

I have been having terrible heartburn for the last few weeks. when i wake up its there and when i go to sleep., basically all through the day. i sometimes feel nauseas but i never vomit. i have IBS - could it be something to do with that? i've had that for a few years and have never had the heartburn problem before. Please help

Asked for Male, 44 years

I've had heartburn and a chronic wet cough for well over a year. I had all the tests...lungs, heart, and more recently a scope. No results were found, everything seems to be normal. This has become problematic lately. I have no appetite whatsoever, I don't even realize when I need to eat. I have to keep an eye on my watch to remember when to eat, and if I forget to do that, I only remember when I start to feel slightly dizzy.

Asked for Male, 51 years

10 days ago i went to the park and lied on the grass with my skin contacting the grass directly and after that I had intense itching. I thought it was just my skin ( i have sensitive skin) reacting to the grass but after a week it still hasnt gone away and it keeps itching. Today i found the rash, which was only on feet has spread to my calf, please help. is this scabies?

Asked for Male, 11 years

My son is turning 5 years old next month. He was born weighing 3.2 kg and has ever since been growing well. He has always been fit, however, in December last year he started losing weight and ever since then he has been losing weight. Should I be worried?

Asked for Female, 98 years

My 92 yr. old mother has very swollen legs; she’s taking medication to reduce swelling; however, today she noticed that her legs are oozing a lot of fluid-to the point that her legs got very wet.What can this mean and is it a dangerous symptom?

Asked for Female, 62 years

I had 2 cortisone injections in my back each 3 weeks apart. Last one was three weeks ago. 2 weeks ago, I have started having symptoms of moon face. I want to know if it will go away and how long will it take. Please help

Asked for Female, 75 years

My mother was very active but then her BP shot up and due to that her left eye and mouth has been damaged. one doctor says its stomach problem some say its brain problem while some say its back problem. I dont know what to do, now every time she has pain in her right hand, there is swelling in the left foot.Please guide what to do

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