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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 7 months

My 3.5 year old was diagnosed with pneumonia ten days ago. He got IV as well as an oral antibiotic. I want to know what should be his diet now. Anything to avoid? And also any other tips for recovery and further prevention.

Asked for Female, 32 years

Have taken antibiotics for tooth extraction. Now got blisters in mouth and tongue. Have been applying drops and gels for the last two days but not getting better. Also rinsing my mouth with warm salted water. Any Medicine that can help. Its so painfully unable to drink water properly.

Asked for Female, 8 years

Asking for a friend Her daughter fell from bed in a way that her head directly hits the floor. The child didn't cry much but after that, she vomited alot. They rushed for a CT scan of the brain. I'll attach the report, please let me know is that report alright or is there something to worry about?

Asked for Female, 16 years

It's about lice. I take good care of my daughter as far as hygiene is concerned but worried about the lice. I clean her hair, nits everything using a comb . She is on holidays but this issue is recurring again & again. What should be done? Please guide me. Doctors, please suggest.

Asked for Female, 16 years

Aoa, my niece is in grade 6, when she was a toddler she got severe flu & coz of wiping the nose to one side made it slanted, & it is still slanted, she should use some nose shaper or there is a particular treatment available in medicine. Waiting for your reply.

Asked for Female, 39 years

What are the causes of burning feet or hot flashes? Since 1 & half year I feel extreme hot flashes irrespective seasons. Feet burning sensation starts at any moment while asleep or walking/driving. Pls help

Asked for Female, 28 years

I have on & off the pain in left arm from last 2-3 weeks. Mostly start at night. What should be the possible cause of it? Is it related to digestion or heart?

Asked for Male, 6 years

My baby will be turning 2 months old on July 20 but I have to travel to another country before that. Can I go for vaccine before? That is on 18 July?

Asked for Male, 13 years

Asalam o Alaikum, my query is about the size of the two front teeth. Why they are big in size as compare to others and how this thing can be cured? My eight years old son is having this thing. Before it's getting socially unbearable for him I want to know the solutions.

Asked for Female, 30 years

I have chronic back pain on right side that goes from back, butt, to foot. I have been doing physio for 15 days but there is no change the pain keeps coming back and sometimes I have muscle spasms as well. Who should I consult?

Asked for Male, 29 years

sir I've had anxiety issues since 8th class. I felt shortening of breaths in many situations. I also fear attention. I always feel people are watching me. I stopped playing outside, got addicted to video games. I fear shops, windows, doors, homes, cars. I have trouble standing up, walking, anything that grabs attention. I also lack confidence and don't like it when people call my name. I don't go to social gatherings. It was manageable until now, It's destroying my life. I don't know what to do.

Asked for Female, 27 years

is it safe to use cream for stretch Marks cream during pregnancy?

Asked for Male, 27 years

I got acne for 2 months, I am taking Theragran Ultra for zinc & Clycin T lotion, chest back shoulder acne is nearly removed, only a few acne there , but on face used trimmer 10 days ago acne got doubled & now full face is covered with acne, I wash face multiple times apply lotion but acne got worse day by day. Full face is oily now, I usually pop and remove cyst/puss

Asked for Female, 30 years

My skin is very dry. Now due to sweating a separate layer of dryness has been formed on back. I massaged olive oil but it did not work. Kindly guide.

Asked for Male, 6 years

I have to ask that my son whose age is 17 month, but he doesn't eat anything we have to feed him forcefully, I visited 3 pediatric doctors, they all gave me syrups that he will start feeding but in vain, he feels hungry but he doesn't like to eat anything except water.

Asked for Male, 66 years

Can any dr. guide me what treatment is recommended at this condition & what type of food is recommended for such patient. Multiple stones in the gall bladder Diabetics Having pains since few days especially after having food. Should we rush for surgery as the patient is not cooperating at all.

Asked for Female, 39 years

My problem is that my 6 month starts now of pregnancy and I feel zero movements or 2 times little bit movement in the whole day. I'm too much worried is it ok or something to be worried. A half month before my anomaly scan was done in the 19th week it was ok everything was ok ALHAMDULILLAH. But now I'm worried why I'm not feeling normal movement as in my earlier 2 pregnancies thanks.

Asked for Female, 36 years

Hi does hydroxyprogesterone injections during pregnancy thickens uterus walls in such a way that normal delivery cannot take place because uterus gets hard & does not open? is it true? if it is then what should do to soften uterus?

Asked for Male, 46 years

My husband is 41 years old, he has flat feet now he is complaining that his sole is paining even after a little walk, is there anything available for this pain, like shoe sole or something or should we consult some doctor?

Asked for Female, 33 years

I want to ask whom should I consult for this issue. My hands and feet are always burning. I mean they are warm so if someone touches them they think I am having a temperature but they also burn and its getting painful.

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